Sunday, September 28, 2008

Like My Beanie?

Another great day for me!! I got up and had I had a whole breakfast bar and 2 pieces of toast. Then I put on a pretty dress and my shiny black shoes and headed to church. I played in the nursery with my friends and had a great time! Today my favorite toy was the wrench from the tool table. I tried to brush my hair with it...that didn't work so well. And I was a little bummed that my pal Caleb is now in the big boy class so I don't see him anymore. I guess I'll just have to schedule more play dates!
Me and mommy and daddy ate lunch by ourselves today because Grandpa Filler had a meeting. So we just grabbed some BK on the way home. I had chicken nuggets and a couple of fries and then headed in for my nap. I slept for almost 2 hours and then got back up ready to GO!
I played and played and then got ready for church again. Me and daddy took mommy early and then we went to WalMart to pick up some snacks for me! Can you believe we'd ran out?!? I will admit that I've been eating everything but the kitchen sink the last couple of days, but I just couldn't believe we were out of snacks!!!
I stayed in the nursery tonight at church time, too! I heard afterward that Heather and Will told mommy that I am "hysterical!" They also noticed that I never stop! They said they had a great time with me and that I talked a ton. I had a good time with them.
When church was over I came home and had a wonderful surprise! Grandpa and Grammy Douglas came to see me!!! Grandpa fed me my chicken and applesauce and we had a really great visit together! I laughed a ton for them and showed them some of my new tricks. It was great! They stayed until it was my bed time and then we told them goodnight and I hit the hay!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy 30th Daddy!!!

I'm not gonna say a bunch, but show you instead. Let me just tell you that 2 days of celebrating daddy's birthday included chocolate chip muffins, the Ball State homecoming parade, an apple orchard, a pumpkin patch and Eatsa Pizza. I had my first chocolate chip muffins...and loved them, I am definitely my daddy's daughter! I went to my first parade and loved it, too. I clapped for the bands and danced with the music. My first trip to the apple orchard was awesome. They had lots of hay to climb on, apples, an apple slushy, goats, pumpkins and mums!!! I tried to pick out a pumpkin but mommy said just wait because we were going to another pumpkin patch!! I DID MASTER USING A STRAW FINALLY!!!! MY FIRST TIME WAS WITH THE APPLE CIDER SLUSHY! My first pumpkin patch was great, too! I got to pick out 3 pumpkins and one is HUGE! Grandpa Penticuff helped me with that one!! Mommy picked a smaller one and grandpa helped me pick out the perfect one for me to carry! I also enjoyed the bbq chips that we ate on the way to dinner! AND FINALLY I also enjoyed Eatsa Pizza. We sang to daddy and I played lots of games! Uncle Adam, Christy, grandma and grandpa helped me get more tickets!!! I bet I have over 600 now...I'm saving for either a stuffed animal or a bike!
OHHH...and my Aunt Emily got engaged! I wasn't really sure what that meant, but she called my parents while we were in the car and they were really excited. Then I found out that means she is gonna get married! She is gonna get married to TIM! That is okay with me because I like Tim...he even helped babysat me once!!! SO...Congratulations Aunt Emily and Tim!!! are pictures from my daddy's celebration days!!! I know...I still said a lot!!! The first picture is right after I had my first chocolate chip muffin!!! I kept some chocolate for later!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

So I am still taking the pink medicine and feeling really good. Yesterday mommy and daddy got to celebrate daddy's birthday (it is officially tomorrow) and I got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Filler. I hear they had a good time in Indianapolis and I'm happy for them, but I am sure glad I didn't have to take the long car ride down there!!!!! I had a great time with grandpa and grandma.
Today I got to hang out with Levi and get a little nap in and then head over to have dinner with Uncle Lawrence, Aunt Sara, Levi, grandma and grandpa and mommy. I had grilled cheese and applesauce and a few french fries. AND THEN me and Levi got ICE CREAM!!! Oh it was good! We've got some pics of us devouring our treats!!!
Tomorrow I am taking daddy to the apple orchard for his birthday. It will be fun and I know he will love the apple donuts! We've not been there before but Aunt Sara and Levi told me that it is a fun place and daddy will really like it. So that is going to be my special present to him!!! I also have a few other surprises up my sleeves for his special day...but I can't tell you now because I know he will read this!
Here are a few pictures from today and some from days past...ENJOY!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I've Heard Mondays Stink...HOWEVER...

**Update** Just wanted to add that we finally know what is wrong with mommy! The doctor called back today and said she has something called pneumonia. Sounds weird to me, but mommy is happy to at least know what is going on and that makes me happy!!!

I've heard that lots of people don't like Monday. I don't understand why that is because my Monday is always a great day. Today was no different. We got up and went to get Tabatha. I ate my breakfast in the car (don't is a cereal bar and I can handle it). After we had Tabatha we headed to Granny's house. Cousin Levi and Gwen were already there and Grandma Filler was getting ready for her doctor appointment. She said good morning to me and then she had to go.
Everything was just fine. Tabatha, Granny, mommy and Aunt Ruth all played with us. Me and Levi spent some time seeing which rooms we could get into and doing pull-ups on Patrick's Bow Flex. We hunted for the cat. We ate pop tarts and a donut (thanks to Aunt Ruth who brings the donuts) and we loved every minute of it. We played the organ and kept on the move all morning. Mommy fed Levi his lunch and I wasn't so sure about that. Usually I am not such a momma's girl, but lately I've decided I want to stick close to momma. I think it might have something to do with being sick recently...but mommy doesn't complain. Anyway, I made sure she remembered that I AM HER CHILD and while we love Cousin Levi, I AM HER CHILD!
Aunt Ruth and Granny laughed (to themselves) when mommy told me, "NO" because sometimes I am a bit strong willed. Gwen played with us and she anxiously awaited Grandma Filler's return.
Grandma showed up right before it was nap time, so we told her about our morning and then she took Levi home for a nap and mommy took me for a nap! I slept a little over an hour and then me and mommy went to see Karen and CALEB!! It was such a great surprise because I love playing with Caleb. He let me play on his motorcycle and we played with a ball. We also went to Baby Bee's Boutique and I got 3 outfits! Caleb picked out some things he wanted mommy to get me, but they weren't the right size. He and I were both very impressed with the shiny red shoes!
After we left Caleb's house I was ready for dinner. We met Grandma and Grandpa Filler at one of my favorites....Burger King. I ate some cheesy tots and some chicken and had some milk and I got to try my grandpa's pie. It was a good time!!!
We came home and I ran around just like I used to do before I got the nasty ear infection/virus! It was so fun and I laughed a lot. Daddy came home for a while from work and he played with me, too. I was so worn out when bed time came around.
So, can you believe people don't like MONDAYS???

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Week

Thank the Lord for pink medicine!! That stuff rox my world. I started taking my medicine on Thursday and I am feeling really good today. This is the first day mommy could say that I'm really 100%. I slept till my normal time, I didn't lay on mommy all day and I went to church tonight and had a good time playing with my friends.
Mommy got sick Thursday night and thank goodness she didn't get what I had...I would have felt horrible. But whatever she got was not good. She couldn't even pick me up because her back hurt so bad. She had to go to the doctor Friday and she has to take medicine, too! She looks really funny because she sleeps sitting up on the couch!! It was just a crazy week for us last week. I am ready for a better week this week.
A few highlights from the last few days: I celebrated my Grandpa Penticuff's birthday yesterday at Amazing Joe's. I really loved the bread!!! I got to take a bunch of walks with Grandpa Filler this weekend because he helped watch me when mommy couldn't pick me up! Daddy played with me this morning and we had so much fun. I laughed a BUNCH!! Me and mommy laid around the house for the last few days. I got to take lots of naps on her and even though I felt bad it was fun because we just don't do that anymore. I am such a big girl that I forget to stop and smell the roses sometimes!!!! I saw LOTS of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse this week, too!
Tomorrow is Granny Conner's Day and I hear the my cousin Tabatha is going to come help because mommy still doesn't want to pick me up...and tomorrow it won't just be will be me and Levi and Gwen. Good thing Aunt Ruthie and Granny will be there to help, too!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

No Wonder...Another First

This has been a trying week for me. It really started Sunday night with me feeling bad and running a fever. I've not been sleeping well, I've continually had a low fever and I have just wanted to lay on mommy and do nothing. Mommy called the doctor yesterday and they decided that I have a stomach virus that has been going around. I can't have milk or fruit...and you know how much I love fruit!!! But daddy bought me some stuff to drink that tastes like orange and so it has been okay.
Well yesterday I had a pretty good day. I still had a crummy morning, but then it got better. I took a good nap, I played some and I even ate some. So we thought I was on the upswing!!! Grandma Penticuff came over and she brought me some souvenirs from her trip to Idaho! I really liked them and I even had smiles for everybody. We had a nice visit. HOWEVER, this morning was yucky again and after my nap today mommy noticed that I had a rash behind my ears. Then she really started looking and saw that it was on my stomach and back, too! She called grandma to come and look at it and then she decided that I should go to the doctor.
You'll never guess what they said! The rash is from the virus and so it will go away in a few days, but something is wrong that we never suspected!!! I have an ear infection in my right ear!!! The doctor said that it looks like it has started getting better on its own, but that I still need to take medicine starting immediately! No WONDER I'VE FELT HORRID!!!!
So I had to go get my medicine and grandma and grandpa got me a little doggie while we waited on mommy. It took a LONG TIME for them to get my medicine! When I tried it I was hoping it would taste good....BUT it does not! I don't know how mommy is going to get me to drink that stuff for the next 10 days!!!
Well, that is life here. I am not sure why I've been getting sick so much lately, but maybe it is building up my immune system and I'll go months without anything wrong now!!!!! No pictures today. I told mommy nobody can see my puffy eyes!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Toddling Right Along

I'd just like to toot my own horn for a few seconds. Last Thursday night mommy decided that it was the night to stop my night time bottles. She was very worried and not looking forward to bed time. HOWEVER, I truly enjoyed her new ritual and I only cried a few minutes before falling fast asleep. I woke up a few times during the night, but I quickly went back to sleep. Friday night I barely cried at all and last night was the same. Tonight I didn't even make a peep when mommy put me to bed. I'm wearing my big girl pajamas, I'm not getting a bottle and I'm just sleeping with my blanket but I don't have to be wrapped up in it! I've got to say that I am getting this toddler stuff down pretty well!!!!
I had a nice weekend. Mommy and daddy took me to the Washington Street Fair. It was good...but very hot outside! We walked around and my highlight was getting a balloon!! I did lots of people watching and didn't ask for a thing! During a trip to Target I got a new pair of black shoes for church. I have a brown and pink pair, but I also needed black...and I found the perfect pair! Oh and I forgot to tell you that Friday night was awesome. Mommy said we should go on a walk and let me go wherever I wanted since our roads aren't busy on the weekends. I got to walk EVERYWHERE! I walked through parking lots, through grass...I didn't have to stop until it started raining and then we had to go home. It was so fun!!!!!!! Nobody told me NO!!!
Tonight I've felt a little under the weather. I stayed home from church because I had a little fever, but the Tylenol has worked wonders. Mommy thinks it is another tooth because I have a big bump on my gums. Hopefully it is nothing a good nights sleep won't cure!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bouncing Back

Today I was much more like myself! I tried just a couple of times to get up early but mommy wouldn't let me. I was glad because when I DID get up I felt really good. I got to play with mommy and watch my morning television. Then around 10:00am mommy said we could wake daddy up. That is one of my favorite times of the day because mommy opens the door and I yell, "DADA" and I always get to jump up and down on his bed!
I ate most of my lunch so mommy was happy, I took a good nap so both of my parents were happy and then me and mommy went out to the Clarks' house to see the girls grandma babysits for. They have so many animals, I know I've talked about it before. Today I walked right up to one of their dogs and played with him. Then I got to ride their rocking horse!!!!!
Tonight we went to Grandma and Grandpa Filler's house for dinner. Uncle Lawrence, Aunt Sara and Levi came, too. Me and Levi had a great time and I was really happy to see Aunt Sara again!! I wouldn't show her my teeth, but I did let her read me half of a book!
It was a great day and I've got lots of pictures to share!!!!
I KNOW UNCLE PATRICK HATES MOMMY TO NOT RESIZE PICS, but she has a good reason. She started making my blog into a book and the book people tell her not to use little pictures!!! Sorry Charlie.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hmmm...Not a Trend

I hope I am not in the middle of a new trend. I woke up around 5 this morning and that is 2 days in a row that I've gotten up too early. Anyway, mommy made me stay in bed until 6, but I let her know what I thought about that and she finally got up with me. Because I was up so early I really didn't have the best of mornings. I just was not myself. Again, daddy and mommy did their best to entertain me.
After a few bites of lunch, I took a nice and long nap!!! I slept 3 hours and that made me feel much better for this evening. I still wasn't 100% Lynley Grace on a good day, but I was much closer. We went to church tonight and it was business meeting. For me that means I get to eat dinner there!!! I ate really well and then Tabatha took me to the nursery so I wouldn't have to stay and listen to the boring grown ups!!!!!
Afterward, we dropped Tabatha off at her house and we came home. I played for a few minutes and then it was time for bed. I didn't put up any fight and was pretty relieved that it was finally time to hit the bed! Hopefully tomorrow I sleep longer and feel better. Mommy really wants to go get my pictures taken but she won't make the appointment because she is afraid I might be getting sick AGAIN!!! She is going to see how I'm feeling tomorrow. ALSO, I got 3 new pairs of PJ's today!!! I usually just wear a onesie to bed but we think it is time to make the switch to big girl pj's! Mommy is going to wash them and then I get to try them out. I'll let you know how it goes!!!
And just for the record, I really miss my Aunt Sara because I never get to see her anymore! Can you believe it? One of these days we just have to get together!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Trying Tuesday

My day started earlier than it usually does. I'm not sure why I woke up, but for some reason I got up about an hour earlier than usual. Mommy made me get dressed right away because she was getting ready to take my cousin Tabatha to school and she didn't want Tabatha to be late. So I got dressed and ate a cereal bar and we were off!
We dropped Tabatha off and then stopped by Grandma Filler's house because Tabatha's school is only a couple of blocks from her. Levi was so surprised to see me! He had a big smile...I think because I never see him early in the morning like that. So we played for a little bit and watched a couple of cartoons together.
Me and mommy had to leave because it was almost time for daddy to get up and I couldn't wait to spend the day with him. We came home and mommy said I could wake him up. She opened the door and I immediately walked to the bed and yelled, "DADA!" He got up and let me play on the bed with him for a few minutes. It was so much fun.
I'm not really sure what happened after that, but my mood changed. I think maybe it was because I got up too early. I just wasn't happy at all. Finally my parents tried to get me to eat an early lunch and take a nap. I ate just a little bit and then slept for an hour and a half. It was good I didn't have to wait until my regular nap time, I wouldn't have made it!!!
After my nap I was a little bit better. I played...but I did get irritated much easier than usual. Mommy and daddy really had to come up with ways to keep me entertained. The picture today is one of those times when daddy was doing a really good job of entertaining me.
Tonight was mommy's meeting and so me and Grandpa Filler got to go for a long walk. It was fun. We walked to Frog Baby, which is a fountain on the Ball State campus. I got to watch the water. We had a great time. After our walk we played a bit and I got a bath. I knew that meant as soon as mommy's meeting was over I was going to bed!
I said good night to everybody and then went straight to lay down. I didn't put up any fuss at all. It was just a trying day for some reason...but I'm sure I'll sleep well and wake up refreshed tomorrow!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Lucky Girl

I just realize every day that I am one lucky girl! I have a HUGE WONDERFUL FAMILY and friends who loves me! Just today I was thinking how special it was that every Monday I get to go see my granny, my grandma, my cousin Levi and my two great-great aunts, Clata and Ruth. And I cannot forget my great-great uncle Bob and Gwen (grandma babysits for her). We had such a fun time today at granny's house. She made us lunch and cake and we played and played. I discovered that I could stand on Uncle Patrick's BowFlex and pull up on the bar and pretend that it was monkey bars! Of course mommy saw this and stopped my fun, but I found something else to occupy my time that was just as fun.
So we spent the morning and early afternoon at granny's house and then I had to come and take a nap. I slept for a little over an hour and then when I got up mommy said we needed to take something to Aunt Clata. It was a camera that mommy had forgotten to give her earlier. So we drove to Aunt Clata's house and I got to go inside for just a few minutes. Just long enough to start playing with the tea cups that I'm not supposed to play with according to mommy!!! But then we said goodbye and came home.
Grandma Penticuff came over to visit with me tonight. We had a good time. She is getting ready to go on a trip to Idaho and so she came to see me before she left! I told her what a dog says and I showed her just how much energy I have and I showed her how I sit in my big girl chair. It was such a nice visit.
When it was time that grandma had to leave, it was also time for me to go to bed. I didn't complain too much. I was just thinking about my great family and how much they all love me and I love them!
And without further ado, her are some pictures that I've promised you!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Right Way to Start My Week

Today was Sunday and you all know what that means. I go spend time with my friends in the nursery. That is what I did this morning, too. I played with the baby dolls and I LOVE to play in the "kitchen." Mommy says one of these days we'll have to get one for our house. I just love it and I make mommy and Karen hotdogs and hamburgers and pickles and pizza and whatever else I can find. So today I played with my friends in the nursery and then me and mommy went to BK with grandma and grandpa. We had to pick some place fast to eat because I am usually super tired by the time church is over and it is usually about 45 minutes before my nap time.
So I ate my chicken nuggets and had my milk and then I came home and took a nap. As soon as I got up mommy got me dressed again and we headed BACK to church. This children's program has mommy at the church very early on Sundays and I kind of like it because I get to run around while she is getting stuff done. I got to dance to the music that was playing in the kids room and grandpa played with me while mommy had a meeting.
Then all my friends came back to play again! Caleb was there and that was good because he isn't in my Sunday morning class anymore because he is 3 and he is in the big boy class.
So I played more and more and then had dinner and then came home and went right to bed. It was such a great way to start my week! I'll have pictures for you tomorrow!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back In the Saddle

I promised a post today and here I am! I had a very good day today. Me and mommy got up and had breakfast and I got to watch 3 episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!! Now, when I say watch, I mean that I walked around the living room and stopped to stare at the television when the music was on. That is my favorite part. In general, I am too busy to watch an entire show!! I have a baby to carry around, toys to play with and clothes to strew around the living room. Not to mention my "motorcycle" that I have to rock on and push all the buttons. There just isn't time to really WATCH television.
Me and mommy and Grandma and Grandpa Filler went to Lowes to check out some flowers. Mommy wanted to get some mums for one of the pots outside. I was impressed with the selection of plants. I like that I got to sit in a cart and ride around OUTSIDE....there is not much better than the great outdoors. We also stopped at Meijer and Menards quickly. I actually discovered the horse in the front of Meijer. You can ride that thing for ONE PENNEY!!!!! Mommy says that is her kind of ride! I got to ride it twice and then I got off to let some girls from my church ride it. They were shopping with their mommy, too!!!
A lunch break was necessary after some shopping and we stopped at Taco Bell. I get their bean burrito kids meal and it is pretty good. I am definitely my momma's daughter because I LOVE REFRIED BEANS. Daddy doesn't really like them, but me and mommy gobble them up. I didn't eat a bunch, but besides the burrito I had a few cinnamon twists and a little bit of that fruit slushie thing they have.
We ran through Hobby Lobby, and I mean it was QUICK! I don't like that store and so nobody pushes their luck by trying to make me stay in there a long time. Now that the Christmas trees are up I can handle a FEW more minutes!!!
Me and mommy came home and I took my nap. I slept about an hour and a half and then got up. We played and played and then went to grandma and grandpa's house because mommy and grandma needed to work on some stuff for church tomorrow. I got to watch Shark Tale and run around the house.
We met up with Uncle Patrick for dinner and I got to play with his straw for a while. I just couldn't figure out how to make the drink come up out of the straw. It is a mystery to me, but one I know I'll solve soon. Mommy says, NO NO NO to the soda....but I'm watching how the big people do it because I am convinced it is something I just have to have.
We came home and played a bit, then I had a nice warm bath. Mommy let me play a little longer than usual in the tub and it was so much fun. The warm water made me VERY sleepy and so I went to bed after I was all dry and in my PJ's. I didn't argue one time with mommy about bed time. She tricked me with that warm water!!!!!
Tomorrow is Sunday and I get to go be with my friends at church. I think I heard my mommy say that my big cousin Alex may come tomorrow to my church! That would be really fun!!! I'm hoping to see daddy at some point tomorrow because days are sure a bit longer when he isn't around. He was busy, busy working today. I bet tomorrow I get to see him, though!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Over A Week

I can hardly believe over a week has gone by since I've written anything. I don't even know how to begin to tell you everything that has happened! I have had so much fun and I've seen a lot of my family and friends over the last week. I'm still walking absolutely everywhere and I'm still pretty sure that I can do everything by myself with no help.
I am planning to put some pictures on here tomorrow of my last few days and also start updating you about what is happening!!! I can give you just a little preview though, I HAVE A MOUTH FULL OF TEETH NOW!!! Many of my big back teeth are now in and it cracks me up because mommy keeps thinking there is something in my mouth that I shouldn't have....but then she looks and it is just my white, shining teeth!!!
Don't worry...I'll be back on here tomorrow!!!!! I must go to bed now!