Then Thursday was quite a surprise for me. My mommy didn't even tell me ahead of time, but when I got up Thursday morning my good cousin Levi was at my house!!! I was so excited I would hardly let mommy change my diaper because I wanted to play. Mommy watched Levi while Uncle Lawrence and Aunt Sara went to a doctor's appointment. They went to check on a new baby cousin that I am going to be getting soon! I THINK I heard that his name is Evan...but I am still thinking maybe Aunt Sara will bring us a little girl and then maybe her name will be Ava. I will be happy either way because that means somebody else to play with!
Anyway, me and Levi had a great time taking all the toys out and playing with them. We watched Madagascar and played with all my toys. When Lawrence and Sara got back we all had lunch together with Grandma Filler. Mommy and daddy even let me have FRENCH FRIES with my chicken!!!
After a short nap my Uncle Patrick came over and he played with me until it was bed time. Oh man it was so fun. I showed him how I write all the time now. I especially like to sit at my table or in my tent and scribble, scribble, scribble!!!
Today was another great day! We did finally leave the house and go to the grocery. It was so bright outside that I HAD to wear my sunglasses! I didn't really like being confined in the cart at Wal Mart, but mommy finally gave me a banana (after daddy paid for it) and then I gave them 5 minutes of peace and quiet!
After dropping off the groceries we picked up my cousin Tabatha and headed to the church. I love that our new building is almost all the way finished because I get to go play in the gym. IT IS SO BIG!!! Today I saw one of the pastor's kids there because they didn't have school. They were playing basketball and I just knew I could go shoot some hoops with them! They are OLD KIDS, so they weren't so sure about me joining the game....so we played in the other half of the gym. It was so great!!! I ran around and I love to scream and hear myself echo in that big room. Mommy took some pictures of our new building and I'll have to show you some soon. You should see the little, bitty bathroom in my new nursery! Man, I can't wait for potty training so I can use that thing!!!!
Tonight me and Tabatha went over to Grandma and Pa Filler's house while daddy and mommy went to have dinner together. YOU WON'T GUESS WHO WAS THERE!?! Levi, Aunt Sara and Uncle Lawrence. Oh man I had a great time, AGAIN!!! Daddy and mommy didn't seem like they were gone long and it was time to go home. Daddy had to go to work!!!
Me and mommy and Tabatha went to my house. Tabatha is spending the night tonight because her and mommy have to get up and go to the church for basketball games in the morning. I get to hang out with Grandma Penticuff while they are gone so I know I'll have another action packed day!!!