What a day I have had! Really, one day I may write a book on how to be 'ornery' and how to be a 'little stinker', but still remain cute enough that nobody really minds! One thing I am convinced of is that I could make millions! Mommy was looking for a good word to describe some of the things that I do and she came up with 'shenanigans'. Now, being 22 months old, I wasn't really sure quite what that meant so I checked it out. I discovered it is anything that is wild or over the top or something that is considered crazy. Hmmm....maybe she did hit the nail on the head with that one.
Anyway, I had a great morning at church. My teacher always has stories for my mommy and daddy about what I do in my class. One of these days I may just have to tell her to keep them to herself, but so far I am just too darn cute for anybody to get really mad at! This morning my friend Hadley and I were given graham crackers, one for each of us. Karen (our teacher) turned her head for just a minute and I made a move to take Hadley's cracker. Well Hadley didn't really like that and she said so! Karen turned around and noticed that I had two graham crackers...when I had only one a few seconds earlier. She asked me if I had Hadley's cookie. I said, "Lynley's" (and of course I pointed to mine...which already had a bite taken out of it). Then Karen pointed to the other cookie and asked, "Is that Hadley's cookie?" I had a quick thought...and before I could think twice I took a bite of the the other cookie and said, "Lynley's!" In case you aren't as quick thinking as I am...basically I realized that if I took a bite out of both of them then they must BOTH be mine!
So church was great and then we left and headed over to my Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Sorrell's house. I couldn't believe it when we pulled in the drive because I saw Grandma Donna's car! I was really excited to see my family. I immediately went to one of the bedrooms and got Grandma Sorrell's guitar! Now this is a real one, so I had to have a bit of help getting it on, but I played a mean tune for everybody. I was seriously excited and proud of myself as I strummed the strings! I think I might have a future in the biz, people!
So I played some music, sang and danced and kept everyone entertained while Grandma Donna made lunch. Actually, I kept everyone entertained while we ate and after we ate, too! And I got to help Grandma Donna do dishes. It was so fun and daddy video taped it because he says one day I won't like doing dishes and he'll have to show me the movie of me WANTING to help with dishes! I also kept my whole family on their toes by trying to put on Grandma Sorrell's lipstick, trying to get into the bathroom (where we all know I enjoy flushing the toilet repeatedly) and trying to play golf with Grandpa Sorrell's golf club! Not to mention I thoroughly enjoyed seeing my family's reaction when I decided to eat taco salad straight from the serving bowl....huge serving spoons and all! (Again, though, I am so daggone cute that people laughed and then Grandpa Sorrell gave me ice cream!!)
Then it was time to go home for a quick nap! I slept pretty well and got up ready to head back to church. I had a great time tonight telling my teachers that I was going to tell on them to "Pa" or "Mama" whenever they told me no. For some reason, they laughed at this and still stood firm in their NO! I also thought I was getting by with something great when Miss Heather noticed that I was hiding in a corner taking a drink from a cup. She asked me if the cup was mine and of COURSE I said, "yep." (Between you and me, I had never seen the cup before but it sure was pretty with princesses on it and whatever was inside was good!! I just pretended that I had never seen my real cup before in my life and continued to drink from the pretty cup!) It would have been perfect...till mommy picked me up and Miss Heather asked about the cup! Can you say, "BUSTED?!?"
Oh well, all was well because I got to go into the sanctuary after church and sing in the microphone for about 10 minutes! Then I went to Wendy's with mommy and daddy and Grandma and Pa and Jeffy and Lesa and Tabatha (who I lovingly call Taba). I had some chicken and french fries, I laughed a bunch, I got to ride in Jeffy's jeep to my house, and then I went to bed!
Really people...I am not sure if shenanigans is the right word for the funny stuff that I do...but I do know that you spell "entertainment" like this, "L-Y-N-L-E-Y!"
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Road Trip

Daddy, mommy and me got in our car and headed out of town. We met up with Grandma and Pa and just when I thought everybody was together and ready for an adventure, Lawrence, Sara, Levi and Evan pulled up in another car! I was so excited to see my cousin and I couldn't believe it when mommy said we were going to go on a trip together!
We started down the highway and my parents were very pleasantly surprised by me being in such a good mood. I generally loathe being in the car for more than 15 minutes, but I had a great time with mommy and daddy. We sang songs, we clapped, we talked and I played with some toys that mommy brought for me. Before I knew it we were stopping for dinner!
Our dinner break was good. We had McDonalds and the adults let me and Levi run around just a bit before we got back in the car. For the next leg of the trip me and Levi got to ride with Pa and Grandma! We had a great time together. We talked, we played, we laughed. Time seemed to fly...even when we got in a little traffic jam. We got to cross a BIG BRIDGE and we got to see BIG AIRPLANES!
Then came a big first for me (at least first that I can remember)!! I got to stay in a big hotel! My parents were a bit nervous at first, but we had a blast. The whole family went to find our rooms and Levi and I thought the long hallways would be great to run down!! We stretched our legs from the big trip and then headed down to the indoor pool!
Oh man, swimming was great! There were lots of kids splashing in the pool and me and Levi had a great time. Grandma and Pa even got in the water with us! We splashed and watched Pa blow bubbles. This hotel even had a grassy area by the pool where I could run around to expel some of my energy!
After swimming I knew it was probably getting close to time for bed! We all went back upstairs on the elevator and headed to our rooms. I got all dried off and into a warm pair of pajamas. I had my own bed to sleep in, but I thought I needed to play just a little bit before trying it out. I went to visit Grandma and Pa's bed. Me and grandma watched a little bit of Madagascar and I made sure the bed they were staying in was comfortable by jumping on it. I was LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF THE HOTEL!
Mommy told me it was time for bed and I began to get angry, but it was only half-hearted! Once I saw everybody else was going to bed I thought it was an okay idea. I laid down and talked to myself for about an hour. I wasn't positive, but I think my parents were laughing at me a few times while they pretended to sleep!
This morning I got up and got ready quickly. I was so excited that I got to see Pa and Grandma first thing in the morning! We went down to have breakfast with everybody. Me and Levi had some great Fruit Loops and blueberries. I tried a couple of potatoes, but the Fruit Loops were definitely my favorite! I ate a bunch and then waited for all the grown ups to finish.
Back in the car we went! This time we weren't in there long before it was time to get out, ride another elevator and then end up at the Newport Aquarium!
It was a really neat place! There were all kinds of fish to look at! There were sharks and turtles and seahorses and stingrays and otters and frogs and birds and jellyfish! I got to wear my pink backpack and wander around looking at all the different animals! I am not sure if my favorite part was the sharks that went over my head or the penguins! It was a toss up, but the whole thing was great fun! Mommy's favorite part was when daddy bought nectar for me to feed to the birds. He brought it in and, before he could give it to me, 7 birds landed on his arms and shoulder and started eating!!! Mommy thought it was very funny because they wouldn't leave him! THEN A BIRD LANDED ON MY SHOULDER!!! I was okay with it until the thing started flapping its wings and I could feel them on my head! Then I was a bit disturbed. He wouldn't move!! Grandma later told me that he was just trying to give me a kiss, but at the time I wasn't sure what was happening! I didn't really like that part.
It was a really neat place! There were all kinds of fish to look at! There were sharks and turtles and seahorses and stingrays and otters and frogs and birds and jellyfish! I got to wear my pink backpack and wander around looking at all the different animals! I am not sure if my favorite part was the sharks that went over my head or the penguins! It was a toss up, but the whole thing was great fun! Mommy's favorite part was when daddy bought nectar for me to feed to the birds. He brought it in and, before he could give it to me, 7 birds landed on his arms and shoulder and started eating!!! Mommy thought it was very funny because they wouldn't leave him! THEN A BIRD LANDED ON MY SHOULDER!!! I was okay with it until the thing started flapping its wings and I could feel them on my head! Then I was a bit disturbed. He wouldn't move!! Grandma later told me that he was just trying to give me a kiss, but at the time I wasn't sure what was happening! I didn't really like that part.
After we left the aquarium we watched a canoe race on the river. It was exciting for a few minutes and then I noticed there were skateboarders! They were exciting for a few minutes until I remembered that there was a mist tent! I played in the tent and let the water cool me off!
Lunch was super fun, too! We stopped at Longhorn Steakhouse and I got to sit right underneath a cow! It was huge and I really wanted to pet it, but the family didn't think that was a good idea. I ate like a big girl. That was the theme of this weekend. I slept in the bed like a big girl, I acted like a big girl in the aquarium and I ate lunch like a big girl. OH, AND I CERTAINLY ATE THE DESSERT LIKE A BIG GIRL!!! YUMMY!
Lunch was super fun, too! We stopped at Longhorn Steakhouse and I got to sit right underneath a cow! It was huge and I really wanted to pet it, but the family didn't think that was a good idea. I ate like a big girl. That was the theme of this weekend. I slept in the bed like a big girl, I acted like a big girl in the aquarium and I ate lunch like a big girl. OH, AND I CERTAINLY ATE THE DESSERT LIKE A BIG GIRL!!! YUMMY!
I rode with mommy and daddy for a bit on the way home. I fell asleep as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot and didn't budge until we stopped an hour later at an Amish store. The store was okay, but the outside was AWESOME! There was a little waterfall and pond that I really liked! I also liked trying out the hammock and the swings!!! And I decided that for the rest of the trip I would ride with grandma and pa!
Before I knew it I was back in my hometown and it was time to go home. I said bye to grandma and pa and then we headed home. I was glad to be home and even more glad when mommy let me put on a bathing suit and play in the water! I had a blast and I even sprayed mommy and daddy with the hose!
After lots of play time I took a bath and then had dinner. I hung out with my parents for a little bit and then headed to bed! I had a great time on our trip and I hear I get to take another trip next weekend! Have I mentioned before that I LOVE SUMMER TIME?!?!?!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
So Long

Last week I helped my cousin Tabatha with her flute. Well, mommy helped her but as you can see in the pictures, I put my two cents in, also! I also went to watch her in the band. They marched and played and practiced. I am really good at marching, so I am guessing that some day I might just have to be in the band, too.
I also watched one of my new favorite shows, So You Think You Can Dance, a couple of times. It is really the only time in my day/night that I actually sit still. Once in a while I get off the couch to try the dances, but for the most part I just sit and watch because I am taking in all the moves.
I celebrated Father's Day this weekend with lots of people! I wished my Grandpa Joe a Happy Day. I wished my Grandpa Penticuff a Happy Day. I wished my Pa a Happy Day. I wished my Great-Grandpa Sorrell a Happy Day. AND I wished my Daddy a Happy Day! Lots of cook outs and spending time together made the weekend so much fun.
This week has started off with a bang, too! Yesterday I was at Granny's house and then last night I went to visit Ruthie and Baxter and Lindsay. Then today me and mommy played with Levi and Grandma Filler while Lawrence and Sara took Evan to the doctor.
We also decided that we should change my blog a little. I hope you like it. It took mommy lots of time and even some help from Uncle Lawrence to get it done. I promise to be better at posting this week!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009

Well people, I think I might have the vocabulary of a four year old...at least I like to think so. I am spending my time telling stories like you would not believe. I've also added some wonderful words to my list of stuff I like to say. For instance, I now love to say, "Sara," and "Evan," and probably my very favorite is, "yep." And if you haven't heard my story about the animals and fishies at the zoo you are missing out! I like everyone to know that the animals were BIG and that the fishies THROW and KICK the BALL and SPLASH and the GIRAFFES have LONG NECKS and NOSES and EYES. I also like to go straight from that story to the one where me and PA made a CAKE with our HANDS like THIS! And I so much enjoy telling people to SIT DOWN HERE, RIGHT HERE. And telling Ruthie to COME HERE is also loads of laughs!
Last night me and the family watched SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE and I really like that show. I stayed close to daddy the whole time. Well, except when I was showing the folks my dance moves!! Really...I may have a future in dance (or drama...because I am really good at the drama!!!
Today me and mommy had to finish up our super-secret-father's-day-shopping and we hung out with grandma, too. We went to visit the fishies at Wason's Nursery and look at the pretty flowers. Then after my nap, oops...I refused to take a nap today...so after my regular nap time we went to see Sara and Lawrence and Levi and Evan and Pa and Grandma. We ate dinner and then played in the pool until it was time to come inside and eat icecream. It was such a great night!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Fun to be Had, Even with Rain
There is never a dull moment in my little life! This week is going so fast and I have been BUSY! Well, first off, I haven't felt 100% (until this morning)...but I've still had quite the schedule. Sunday night I went to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Penticuff. They had just gotten back from seeing my Aunt Emily get married. I was sure glad to see them and I showed them all my pictures from the zoo. I also got to see pictures from their trip. They stayed on a BIG BOAT for a whole week after the wedding.
I started feeling a little icky Sunday night and my parents thought I probably just needed a good night of rest after a big weekend. When I woke up Monday morning we headed to Granny Conner's house. I was super excited because we were going to see granny's new furniture. It sure was pretty and I LOVED to sit and look out the window in the couch.
We had SO MUCH COMPANY over there!!! We saw Aunt Ruthie, Aunt Clata & Uncle Bob, Grandma brought Levi and Gwen and Caroline and Annie, and my cousins Lori and Lindsay came, too! It was a packed house and after some Tylenol I did a pretty good job of keeping everyone entertained. I sure didn't want to sit down and relax, even though mommy thought it might be a good idea. I also started saying, "HD," which is the name of Uncle Patrick's cat.
We came home and mommy wanted me to take a nap. I didn't take a very long one because I was just too restless. So mommy let me get up and go play with Aunt Clata and Uncle Bob at their house while she went to watch daddy play softball. They didn't have me go because the weather radar looked a bit crazy.
I had fun with Clata and Bob. We took a walk and met a dog at some friends house. We played inside after it started raining. Before I knew it, mommy and daddy were back from the games and it was time to go home.
Monday night was a bit rough. I was up a lot of the night and so me and mommy rocked and rocked in the chair until I finally just couldn't hold my eyes open. I sure hoped I would feel better Tuesday.
Tuesday morning mommy called the doctor after we took Tabatha to school. She says she can tell when I really feel bad because I get dark circles around my eyes. Well evidently I had them and I REALLY did not want to go to the doctor...so by the afternoon I was putting on a good show. Me and mommy just hung around the house and took a couple of walks. I ate a REALLY good lunch and then took a 3 hour nap.
After my nap, mommy said we were going to visit with Evan and Levi and do something special! We drove to Middletown (where they live) and they piled me and Levi in one stroller and then put Evan in another stroller. Me and mommy and daddy and Lawrence and Sara and Levi and Evan all walked for a little bit to get to Sara's friends house! And when we got there we saw Grandma and Grandpa! They had chairs sitting out for us.
I watched the road and the adults watched the sky. Before I knew it, a parade started. There were lots of kids in it and lots of fire trucks and lots of CANDY! You would not believe all the people who threw suckers to me!! There were lots of balloons and even some horses! I really started getting into it when mommy told daddy to take me and RUN! I had no why, until I felt the rain drops!
Daddy ran me to grandma and pa's car and then somebody ran Levi to the car and then grandma and pa were in the car!!! We found our way back to Lawrence and Sara's house and I noticed that Sara's mommy and daddy had Evan in THEIR car so he wouldn't get wet either. Mommy and daddy were no where to be found for a long time. Eventually they showed up DRENCHED with Uncle Lawrence and Aunt Sara. All I can say is I am GLAD I am a kid because we got to wait it out in the car while the parents had to figure out other transportation!!! (I think I heard that Uncle Lawrence RAN 2 blocks to his house to get the car for everybody else!)
Man it was some seriously fun commotion!!! The good news is that we got to see some of the parade before the storms came AND we got to play in the rain a little bit AND then we were safe and sound in the house!!
I came home and went straight to bed and slept REALLY WELL!!! This morning I fell back to normal so far and I am just playing and remembering all the fun I have been having so far this summer! I can't wait to see what comes next!!!
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