Sunday, July 20, 2008

Older and Wiser

As I am getting older I am realizing just how awesome everything is...well, everything but the car seat. Thank goodness for my favorite music that can distract me from the fact that I am LOCKED into a seat!!!
Anyway, I just love VBS. I had my own class tonight and it was so great. If you want to check out pictures from tonight you can go to and click on VBS SUNDAY NIGHT. There is even a picture of me in the slide show. I tried fish sticks tonight and I also had fresh fruit and puffs. I loved all of it!!! I got to play with my friends and I even met some new friends. (Yes, I know the font is different, but I don't know what I hit to make it change.)
Just to catch you up, I spent the day with my Great-Great Aunt Clata on Friday so mommy could finish up her room and I wouldn't eat the shells on the floor!! I had a great time and even took a little nap for her! Then I got to go back to church with mommy and grandma and Jenney and Amy. They worked some more and I played with a ball. AND THEN I got to see my daddy who I hadn't seen in almost 3 days. We played until bedtime and it was GREAT!
Saturday was mommy's birthday so we went to breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma Penticuff, Uncle Adam and Christy. It was good and I liked the oranges and melon that I tried for the first time. Afterwards, daddy and mommy went to watch a movie (daddy has been waiting for this movie to come out all summer). I went with grandpa and grandma to Aunt Debbie's rummage sale and then we got me some new shoes ( parents are REALLY serious about wearing the shoes). We also walked around Lowes. Again, more fun for me!
Mommy and daddy got home and, after playing some more, I took a nap. Saturday night we went back to church one more time to make sure nothing in mommy's room fell down. We went to Dairy Queen and I got NOTHING because my parents are all crazy thinking I shouldn't eat sweets because if I don't start I'll make healthy decisions later in life. I know some day I will thank them for it, but yesterday was not the day. We wouldn't have gone but it was mommy's birthday and she just wanted a chocolate sundae. I wasn't really mad at them for eating in front of me...but I reminded them that THEY HAVE TO MAKE HEALTHY DECISIONS, TOO!!! What is that saying...??? Monkey see...Monkey do!
Okay, so this morning we went to church and I played in the nursery and had a great time. Then lunch, then NAP, then VBS..and I already told you it was AWESOME! So, enjoy some pictures of me over the last 2 days. Hey Carol, Do you love my pink dress?!? Everybody said I looked so beautiful and grown up in it!!! You picked out a winner and I loved it!!!!

1 comment:

Carol's Corner said...

Hey Lynley, I love the pictures on this post. The one of you walking down the hall by yourself looks like you own the world. You are such an awesome little girl and you are so lucky to have such great parents. Happy Monday to you.