Thursday, September 18, 2008

No Wonder...Another First

This has been a trying week for me. It really started Sunday night with me feeling bad and running a fever. I've not been sleeping well, I've continually had a low fever and I have just wanted to lay on mommy and do nothing. Mommy called the doctor yesterday and they decided that I have a stomach virus that has been going around. I can't have milk or fruit...and you know how much I love fruit!!! But daddy bought me some stuff to drink that tastes like orange and so it has been okay.
Well yesterday I had a pretty good day. I still had a crummy morning, but then it got better. I took a good nap, I played some and I even ate some. So we thought I was on the upswing!!! Grandma Penticuff came over and she brought me some souvenirs from her trip to Idaho! I really liked them and I even had smiles for everybody. We had a nice visit. HOWEVER, this morning was yucky again and after my nap today mommy noticed that I had a rash behind my ears. Then she really started looking and saw that it was on my stomach and back, too! She called grandma to come and look at it and then she decided that I should go to the doctor.
You'll never guess what they said! The rash is from the virus and so it will go away in a few days, but something is wrong that we never suspected!!! I have an ear infection in my right ear!!! The doctor said that it looks like it has started getting better on its own, but that I still need to take medicine starting immediately! No WONDER I'VE FELT HORRID!!!!
So I had to go get my medicine and grandma and grandpa got me a little doggie while we waited on mommy. It took a LONG TIME for them to get my medicine! When I tried it I was hoping it would taste good....BUT it does not! I don't know how mommy is going to get me to drink that stuff for the next 10 days!!!
Well, that is life here. I am not sure why I've been getting sick so much lately, but maybe it is building up my immune system and I'll go months without anything wrong now!!!!! No pictures today. I told mommy nobody can see my puffy eyes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was told not to post anything on your blog by Patrick but I just had to and tell you that I Am sorry your sick and I am Praying for you to get well! - Jamie