What an interesting day I had! What an interesting night I had, too!! I am really going to like Halloween because it is one wail of a day! Mine started out pretty normal. Breakfast, play time, Imagination Movers (I would recommend this show to everybody)...and then I got to go to Aunt Ruth's house for a while so mommy and daddy could do a couple of things. Of course one of the things they did was to buy me 2 new shirts!!! :)
I had lots of fun at Aunt Ruth's house. We had my favorite kind of chips, BBQ, and we played and colored and I had a bit of lunch and we watched Baxter. It was great. Mommy and daddy were back before I even knew they were gone and I had to come home to take a nap.
After my nap it was more play time and then mommy said I got to put on my costume!!! I've worn it around the house but this was different. This time I was going to get to go out in it!!! I really liked my outfit. It turned me into a very rare breed, indeed! All at once I wasn't a little girl anymore, I was a PINK LEOPARD...fast, stealthy, cat-like, and yet still ADORABLE!!!
Oh I went lots of places and saw lots of people! Everywhere I went there were cameras and people gave me stuff to put in my pumpkin bag! Oh man it was so fun. I got to walk around lots of houses. I stayed busy the entire time!!! I saw lots of family and that was great. I didn't know you could see so much family in just a few short hours!
The whole night I was wondering if Levi was having as much fun as I was. Mommy said we probably would not get to see him because he was very busy, too. BUT MUCH TO MY SURPRISE we did get to see Levi! He showed up at Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lesa's house just a few minutes after we did. AND you won't believe that while I became a rare breed of leopard, he became SUPER MAN! We got to play together for a little bit at the end of the night. Seriously, it was just so much fun. The whole day was just great!
Bed time was a bit later than usual and mommy says that has something to do with daylight savings time...I have no idea what she is talking about, but she says it happens tomorrow night and it has something to do with us and how she really hopes I want to sleep later. WHO KNOWS...but I did go straight to bed after a WONDERFUL DAY! I know I had to take off my outfit for bed, but I really hope I get to wear it some more.