Today was GREAT! Mommy got a good report from the doctor, something about numbers going down some and so she is starting some medicine tonight. Whatever it was, she was glad when she was done and we decided to celebrate!
Me and mommy and grandma went to pick out my halloween costume. I was originally going to be Minnie Mouse because that is my favorite show, but we found just the perfect outfit that suits my personality...and I'm not telling what it is! It will be a big surprise for you! Then we went to Kohl's and did some looking. Mommy is looking for something for me to wear for pictures but we just couldn't find the perfect thing, so we left and headed to New-Tucky (aka New Castle) to Baby Bee's. You will never guess who met us there!?! My buddy CALEB! We played in the play room and mommy and grandma and Karen shopped some. I got LOTS of stuff. I think I got 5 or 6 outfits for this fall!!! You know shopping makes me hungry so we all went to BK for some nuggets and apple fries.
After lunch we headed back to Muncie because it was time for my nap. We showed daddy all my new clothes and then I took a nap. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of napping today, but since my parents weren't budging, I took one.
After my nap it was time to CARVE PUMPKINS!!! We started with my little pumpkin and I just decorated it with markers. Then I got to pull the guts out of my BIG PUMPKIN!!! It was messy and, at first, I was sure I was supposed to eat the seeds. So I cleaned out the guts and then mommy and daddy helped me carve it into POOH BEAR!!!!!!! I have 2 more pumpkins and I think we will do Tigger and Piglet, but we ran out of time tonight.
So I finished my pumpkin and we put it outside. Our friend Liz came over and took a look at our work. I was so proud of it and I made sure she saw my handiwork. Then I got to run around outside while mommy and Liz talked. Daddy talked some, too, but he had to chase me around. It was sooooo fun. I showed Liz how to smell flowers and I even let her look at a couple of sticks and rocks I found.
Then it was time for her to go home and so that meant I had to go to bed. I DID get out of taking a bath because it was getting late, but daddy still wiped me down REALLY GOOD. I didn't know I was so tired, but when the lights went out I barely wimpered before falling fast asleep. WHAT A FUN FRIDAY!!!!
1 comment:
What great pictures with this post. You and Mommy and Daddy did a great job carving the pumpkin. Can't wait to see what your costume is going to be. xoxo
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