I promised pictures from my Christmas! It has taken me a few days because I seriously celebrated Christmas for 5 days! You would not believe how blessed I am to have THAT MUCH family who all wanted to celebrate with me. I will have to give you a condensed version because blogger would shut me down for telling you everything, but it all started on Tuesday.
I had begun feeling a bit better using the antibiotics from the doctor (remember those ear infections). We had a typical morning and nap time and then we went to Granny Conner's house. This was going to be CELEBRATION #1. I got to play until all the grown ups were there and then we ordered Pizza King. I ate 4 breadsticks and 2 bites of pizza and then I was energized and ready for anything! Tabatha passed out a lot of presents and when she was done mommy said I could TEAR OFF THE WRAPPING PAPER! I started tearing and underneath all the pretty paper I found toys and clothes for me. Levi and Mason got to open lots of stuff, too. As soon as we were finished we began playing with our new toys and let the grown ups watch granny open her gifts. We also just let them begin wondering where they would put all these toys when getting home!!! We stayed at granny's house until it was time for bed and when I got home I laid right down for mommy and daddy.
I slept really well Tuesday night and when I woke up Wednesday morning, mommy and daddy said, "MERRY CHRISTMAS." I got my diaper changed and just happened to look in the living room. OH MY GOODNESS it was time to open MORE PRESENTS and Santa had been to my house!!! Right in the middle of the room was a tent with balls in it. I went right for it to check things out. Can you believe that I get to throw the little balls all over the living room and not get in trouble? This is going to be a really neat toy. I also got to open presents that were under the tree. I got so many nice things that I just KNOW I'll love playing with. I ate some breakfast, played and then napped just a little bit.
When I woke up it was time for CELEBRATION #3. We went to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Filler's house. All my cousins were there and I got to play some more. We had a great lunch. I ate lots of ham and mashed potatoes! Then it was time to open MORE PRESENTS!!! Everybody was so nice to think of me and get me things that I could play with. We took lots of pictures of me and my cousins with my great grandparents. Then we played some more.
Eventually mommy said we had to get our coats because it was about time for CELEBRATION #4.
We drove to Marion for Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Penticuff's house. My Aunt Emily and Tim were there from Texas and so were Adam and Christy. Much to mommy's surprise, I ate again!! This time lasagna. After we ate it was time to open more presents!! I let mommy help me a bunch this time but I was still very excited about everything!
After such a day of playing, I began to really feel tired. I told my parents that we should probably go home even though we were having so much fun. I put on my PJ's and we headed for home. Mommy and daddy actually let me fall asleep in the car (they never do that)!! The next thing I knew, I was in my comfortable bed!
Friday morning we were a little lazy. I got to play with some of my toys...but honestly my living room was a WRECK with gifts everywhere, so I just played with a few gifts and then we decided to check out the mall for after Christmas sales. I really didn't care about sales and neither did mommy and daddy. We mainly went so I could ride the Christmas Train one more time and run around. I later learned that my parents wanted me to get tired so I would take a good nap!!!
I did exactly what they wanted (as far as a nap) and then it was time for ANOTHER CELEBRATION! We went to Grandma and Grandpa Filler's house. Levi was already there watching Madagascar! We watched for a few minutes and then everybody sat together at the table and had another big dinner. I ate lots of corn and roast and beans and then played with Levi while our family finished up.
You know what happened next!! Time for more presents!! We had fun opening everything and then there was something else special about to happen. For weeks now my grandparents haven't let us in the computer room. I was beginning to get a little upset because me and Levi loved playing in there and all at once the door was SHUT and everything was off limits. Mommy couldn't even go in there!!!
Well grandma said tonight was the night we could go back in to our favorite room. All the adults went in first. Well, Aunt Sara was nice enough to stay with me and Levi and the others left us! Then they said, "COME IN!" You won't believe it!!! Grandpa and Grandma had been working hard for weeks and they revealed our BRAND NEW PLAY ROOM!!!! (It is me and Levi's room cause the new baby will be too little to play in there.)
So anyway, this room is G-R-E-A-T! We have a diner with a kitchen, Mickey Mouse Playhouse, a slide, a ball pit, a picnic table and all kinds of toys! We even have all the characters of Madagascar (which is my favorite movie)!! Oh man, we played in there the rest of the NIGHT! We went down the slide about 400 times and we played in the balls and we just checked out the whole room. Both of us were so happy!! The walls of our room even made us happier because there are balloons all over it (and it is the hundred acre woods from Winnie the Pooh)!
We played until we couldn't play anymore! Daddy and Lawrence opened up our new big kid beds for us to see. We got Winnie the Pooh beds that we can actually take with us whenever we stay at somebody elses house. You'll have to check them out in the pictures, they are great. NO BARS like on our cribs at home.
So we played until bed time again and then had to go home. SATURDAY WE HAD 2 MORE CELEBRATIONS!!! I woke up and we left right away for Grammy and Grandpa Douglas's house! I got to open more presents with mommy's help and I played a ton with grandpa! We ran around the house so much that I am sure he had to take a good nap when I finally left!!! I thought for sure this was our last stop and that I had definitely had the best Christmas ever in the whole wide world.
However, when we left, mommy said we had ONE MORE CELEBRATION! We went to Uncle Greg and Aunt Debbie's house for ANOTHER CHRISTMAS! I got to meet my Great Uncle Jim and Great Aunt Deanna for the first time ever (they live in California). I also got to meet my cousins and I was quite taken with Darren. I made sure to play with him a bunch. You wouldn't believe how tall he is!! He is taller than daddy and WAY younger than daddy. Maybe all people from California are that tall...I sure know my whole family from California is!
Right in the middle of the celebration I had to go home and take a nap, but my parents promised we'd go back when I woke up. SOOO, I slept for a while and then we headed back to party!!! We got back just in time for more food!!
Food and play time is what I had the rest of the night. And I also got to open the rest of my presents that I missed when we left for my nap. We stayed until almost bed time again! I was beginning to get the routine down pat! Play - eat - presents- play - bed!!! That is exactly what I did, too.
Oh, and I know you think it stops there....but it doesn't. Sunday morning when I woke up my living room was CLEAN and all my toys were in their places so I could see everything! The Christmas tree was gone and that was depressing, but I did get to play a bit before church. Then I had church, then I spent the afternoon with Aunt Emily and Grandma Penticuff, then church, and then PARTY TIME AGAIN!!!
No, not another Christmas, but we had a game night at my house and had my Sorrell family over. Christy got Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii and so I got to try out the drum set! I ran around with Grandpa Penticuff and laughed and squealed until I nearly fell over, I ate LOTS of meatballs....and just as I thought the party was really getting started.....mommy and daddy said it was bed time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought about arguing with them. But really, people, how can I argue when I have just had a wonderful 6 days with all my family?!? It really tires a girl out and makes her realize that she is SOOOOO blessed to be SOOOOO Loved!!!
So, that was the SHORT version...I PROMISE it could have been longer!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, too. And Carol, I hope you are feeling better! Mommy told me you didn't feel too good the last few days and so I hope you are MUCH BETTER NOW! I've been thinking about you!!!
Lynley what a great christmas you had. Party after party, I was totally worn out just reading about them all. Now you and Levi even have your own special room at Grandma Fillers....wow is all I can say. I think the greatest gift of all is this blog. When you are older and read this you will be able to remember what a lucky little girl you were and what a great loving family you have.
Yes I'm feeling better....thanks.
I forgot to say how much I enjoyed your pictures. They were great.
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