Happy Birthday to You...
Happy Birthday, Sweet Lynley
Happy Birthday to You!
Dear Lynley Grace,
Two years ago today, we had no idea how much you would change our lives. We couldn't even begin to imagine how you would come into this world and be a light to everybody you would meet. How could we possibly have known the effect your sweet, beautiful smile would have on us and those around you? We couldn't have dreamed the laughter you'd provide with each ornery grin and every mischievous action. We had no clue how our hearts would flutter as we listened to you say, "Thank You, Jesus," at the end of each night and how tears would fill our eyes when you mastered, "mama," and "dada."
You've taken us by quite the surprise. From the moment you wrapped your tiny fingers around ours, you've given us joy that we can't describe. We are so very proud to be your parents and to call you our sweet, baby girl.
We Love You,
Mommy & Daddy
1 comment:
Ok, this one got me so choked up and I was crying before I reached the end.....what a baby I am!!
It was beautiful.
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