Me and Levi have been giving mommy a work out on Tuesdays and Fridays. I am a great helper with Evan, but when he is otherwise occupied, I am all about exploring just how many toys I can get on the floor at one time! I also really enjoy making a tent in the living room and hiding from mommy there. Me and Levi have made up LOTS of games to play during the days!
Thursday is laundry day, Monday is Granny's day, Sunday is church day...I am a very busy girl.
But let me try to get back on track of telling you what has happened TODAY!
This morning I slept in because I stayed up late last night. Me and mommy and daddy went to Walmart at 8:30 last night to do some shopping. I don't think I've ever been there that late before, but I did a really good job! So I slept until after nine today and then got up feeling very refreshed!
Me and mommy let daddy sleep a bit and then we headed to wake him up. That is one of my favorite parts of the day. I knocked at the door and said, "Wake Up Pappa Bear!" And then I knocked some more. Eventually I got into daddy's room and then jumped up on the bed. I told him we had to get up and GO!
We had breakfast and headed to do some 'running' ...which basically means I sit in my carseat bored while mommy and daddy get bills paid and such. I amuse myself by singing my ABC's, Jesus Loves Me, and Boomerang Express. Sometimes I require my parents to sing with me...but usually I just talk to my baby doll and sing. At some point during the 'running' I usually get a sucker!
After 'running' we went to a store to look at clothes. Mommy didn't really find any steals of a deals for me, but DADDY found me my VERY FIRST PAIR OF MESH SHORTS! He was so happy...because he has about 100 pairs of mesh shorts...and now I have a pair, too! AND we got them for the low, low price of 2 dollars!!! So after that great find we headed to do laundry.
I got to play with Levi and Evan and Grandma while mommy did laundry and daddy went to run 4 miles! I had a great time! I even got to watch one of my favorite movies, Garfield, 2 times! I love it when Garfield BURPS really loud. I laugh every time!! I also like when he dances with Odie. I have almost got their dance memorized!!!
After laundry I had to take a nap. It went okay. I slept about an hour and then told mom I had been in bed long enough. She said we could go see my cousin Tyler play tennis if I felt up to it! OF COURSE I FELT UP TO IT!!! I love going to games! So we went to watch the tennis match.
Tyler did a nice job. I was more concerned by the 'ring' around his head than anything else. Mommy called it a sweat band...but I know it was a big ring around his head. He was so nice because after his match he came and played with me for a while. We played with my Cincinnati Reds Ball!
AND, I got to see my Uncle Jim at the game! He lives far away from here, almost as far as Carol! He lives in California but he came home to see everybody for a few days. He played with me, too. We ran around the field, played ball and had fun!
When it was time to leave, I got to go with Grandma Donna out to see Grandpa Si and Grandma Haz. I haven't seen them for a couple of weeks so it was nice to get out to their house!! I got to see lots of family and Grandma says I was quite the entertainer!!
I started winding down and hit the sack about 9:30pm. I know tomorrow my cousins will be here so I HAVE to get a good nights rest! We have lots of running and playing to do tomorrow!!!
1 comment:
Lynley: It was terrific spending time with you tonight. I love to hear your sing and laugh. You really have a great arm on you, too, because you can throw the ball very far! I love you!
Grandma Donna
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