Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Odds and Ends and Pony Tails!
Well lots of things are happening in the Douglas House! First of all, for a solid week and 2 days now I have let my mommy put pony tails in my hair! I sit still, I pick out the color bands I want, and I call them my pretties! A big thank you goes out to Grandma and Pa for showing me that it is F-U-N to get my hair done! And now mommy says I don't have to cut my hair because it stays out of my eyes!!! (Not that I mind the salon, I rather enjoy going with mommy...but I don't think I am quite ready, nor is my daddy, for me to start letting them chop away!!!)
Me and my parents had a great adventure this weekend. We went to the Apple Orchard! I got to pick out 4 pumpkins...2 for me, one for mommy and one really big one for daddy. I got to feed the goats, I got to eat an apple-cinnamon fresh donut, I got to climb the bales of hay, I got to run around, and I got an APPLE SLUSHY! It was HEAVENLY...and 'slushy' is my new favorite word to say! Try it, people! It is so fun how it flows off your tongue!
I also got to go to Target! Man I love that store. I was a super good girl...though maybe the people that work there wanted me to leave because I drove a bicycle around the whole time. I was really good at it (well, all except for the turning part) and I didn't bother anybody. I did get some interesting looks...but really, I WAS NOT HURTING ANYONE! I even put some dvd's in the back of the bike because I really wanted daddy to buy them for me. (Come to think of it, I haven't seen those dvd's since we've been home...maybe my parents pulled a fast one on me and didn't buy them after all!!!)
Saturday night we had great spaghetti and got cozy to watch a great movie. Well, the movie was Elmo in Grouchland and it started out great....but then it may have traumatized me for life. Elmo loses his beloved blanket!!! It was too horrible and I sat in mommy's lap and cried for most of the movie! I could totally relate to Elmo and I was just devastated that he'd lost his blanket!!! Daddy and mommy tried to shut the movie off, but that only made it worse....it was a train wreck that I just had to see through to the end! My advice to you, DO NOT BUY NOR RENT THE MOVIE UNTIL YOU ARE AT LEAST TEN YEARS OLD...and don't do it then if you have a very best blanket!
Sunday morning I was still talking about it, but it sure helped to go play with my friends! Mommy says every time we go to church now the nursery workers find her after service to tell her a "Lynley Story." Apparently I do things that are really funny or really interesting or really something! This Sunday morning I grabbed the hand of our pastor's wife, got in her lap and starred at her for about 20 minutes. I never said a word and we just rocked...and I starred at her! Then Sunday night Will and Heather were playing with us. All at once they realized that I was sitting in the corner gnawing on a baby doll's feet. They asked me what I was doing and I very seriously replied, "I got to eat her toe nails!"
Yep, I like to keep everybody guessing....one never knows what I will say, OR DO, next!
Monday was my day at Granny's house. Me and my cousins had a great time playing and the grown ups had a great time talking and cleaning up after us!
I think this brings you all up to date! I think we'll be carving pumpkins soon...so I will definitely have to keep you posted!

Me and my parents had a great adventure this weekend. We went to the Apple Orchard! I got to pick out 4 pumpkins...2 for me, one for mommy and one really big one for daddy. I got to feed the goats, I got to eat an apple-cinnamon fresh donut, I got to climb the bales of hay, I got to run around, and I got an APPLE SLUSHY! It was HEAVENLY...and 'slushy' is my new favorite word to say! Try it, people! It is so fun how it flows off your tongue!
I also got to go to Target! Man I love that store. I was a super good girl...though maybe the people that work there wanted me to leave because I drove a bicycle around the whole time. I was really good at it (well, all except for the turning part) and I didn't bother anybody. I did get some interesting looks...but really, I WAS NOT HURTING ANYONE! I even put some dvd's in the back of the bike because I really wanted daddy to buy them for me. (Come to think of it, I haven't seen those dvd's since we've been home...maybe my parents pulled a fast one on me and didn't buy them after all!!!)
Saturday night we had great spaghetti and got cozy to watch a great movie. Well, the movie was Elmo in Grouchland and it started out great....but then it may have traumatized me for life. Elmo loses his beloved blanket!!! It was too horrible and I sat in mommy's lap and cried for most of the movie! I could totally relate to Elmo and I was just devastated that he'd lost his blanket!!! Daddy and mommy tried to shut the movie off, but that only made it worse....it was a train wreck that I just had to see through to the end! My advice to you, DO NOT BUY NOR RENT THE MOVIE UNTIL YOU ARE AT LEAST TEN YEARS OLD...and don't do it then if you have a very best blanket!
Sunday morning I was still talking about it, but it sure helped to go play with my friends! Mommy says every time we go to church now the nursery workers find her after service to tell her a "Lynley Story." Apparently I do things that are really funny or really interesting or really something! This Sunday morning I grabbed the hand of our pastor's wife, got in her lap and starred at her for about 20 minutes. I never said a word and we just rocked...and I starred at her! Then Sunday night Will and Heather were playing with us. All at once they realized that I was sitting in the corner gnawing on a baby doll's feet. They asked me what I was doing and I very seriously replied, "I got to eat her toe nails!"
Yep, I like to keep everybody guessing....one never knows what I will say, OR DO, next!
Monday was my day at Granny's house. Me and my cousins had a great time playing and the grown ups had a great time talking and cleaning up after us!
I think this brings you all up to date! I think we'll be carving pumpkins soon...so I will definitely have to keep you posted!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Some Run Marathons, Some Play All Day
So my parents went on a little trip and I got to stay with my grandma and pa. Mommy said they had a good time while they were gone and that daddy got really tired doing lots of running, and then I told her that I did lots of running, too! Running and Playing!!!
So Daddy Ran...
and I Played...

and I Played...
I had GREAT FUN with grandma and pa!
Monday, October 5, 2009
My Vocab is Not All that is Growing
I just love getting up in the morning. I love it because every day I am amazing my mommy with new sayings, I am experiencing new things, I am seeing stuff I've never seen before, and mixed into all of that, I have those routines that give me comfort and make me feel good!
First of all, I cracked my mommy up tonight when she said, "Come on, Lynley. I am shutting the light off and closing the door so we need to leave." I looked at her and said, "I don't mind," and I kept right on playing. I had to say it 3 times because mommy thought she heard it wrong the first time. I was just trying to tell her that I didn't mind if she shut off the light and closed the door...I could still play in the water, even in the dark!
This past weekend was great. Friday I spent the day with my posse (Evan and Levi). We had a great day. Me and Levi even wrote in pen on the door while mommy was feeding Evan. I got in a little bit of trouble for that, but mommy got the Magic Eraser and got it right off with some elbow grease! We built towers, we ran through the house playing hide and go seek, we made food in my kitchen, we made a tent and crawled through it. We just had a great day!
The fun didn't end with the day because Friday night I got to go spend the night with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave. I had a great time and Saturday morning we went somewhere I'd never been before!
We parked the car and got on a bus. I told mommy it was an orange bus. The bus took us to a place where there were lots of people walking around and then some big booms. (At least that is the version I told mommy.) It was actually the reenactment of the Battle of Mississinewa. There were people dressed like they dressed in 1812 and they looked a little funny. There were drums (as I reported to mommy). I had a great time! When mommy picked me up in the afternoon I was taking a little nap in Grandma Donna's car. I was worn out!
Mommy and I went to the mall and I rode the train and Garfield. I did a wonderful job walking with mommy and holding her hand. I also didn't pitch any fits when it was time to leave. I was rather impressed with myself!
Then we met Grandma and Pa and went to a place called the Chocolate Moose. It was in a different town and it was a place to eat. I ate such a great dinner there. I had pulled pork, some chicken, a few french fries and some strawberry ice cream. I also got my own little ice cream cone that was just my size. I was such a good girl at the restaurant that I amazed my family!
By the time we got back to my town I was really tired! Mommy and I came home and I got a quick bath. I had to get to bed fairly quickly because Sunday is always a big day.
I slept really well and then got up and ready for church. I told mommy that I had to potty when I woke up and she ran me into the bathroom. I used the big girl potty again! Then I got dressed and headed to church. My class was so fun. I only got upset once because Karen wanted to change my diaper and I just didn't have time to stop playing! Everything else was great! There were NINE of us in my class this week so I was super busy playing with everybody.
Lunch was at Carlos O'Kellys...my favorite...and I ate a whole pizza and my jello! I also had a couple of chips with salsa. I took a great nap in the afternoon and had to have mommy wake me up when it was time to go back to church.
Aunt Clata watched me in the nursery with my friends at night. She brought us pink marshmallows to eat and they were so good!! I played and played until Pa came to pick me up and tell me it was time to leave. We met mommy at the doors and headed out to get some dinner. I had refused to wear shoes back to church at night so we got food from a drive thru and ate it at home!
Today has also been a great day. I went to Granny's house for Monday with the family. I played with Levi and Evan and even my cousin Mason for a few minutes. I haven't seen him in a while, so it took us a few minutes to get used to each other...but I tried to show him the ropes before I had to leave. Aunt Ruthie brought donuts for breakfast and they were so good! Aunt Clata made vegetable soup for lunch and it was also great. I filled in the cracks of my stomach with cookies, ice cream and marshmallows (yes, my mommy lets me eat whatever on Mondays...it is my one day to really splurge).
I came home, had a nap and have been hanging out with mommy ever since. Daddy had to work this weekend and today so I haven't seem him a bunch...but I did get to wake him up this morning. Tonight I am wearing big girl panties and I have told mommy I had to go to the bathroom 2 times...and I went both times!!! Grown ups are really funny because every time I use the bathroom my mommy claps and goes nuts. REALLY IT ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL...I've been doing it since I was born, but for some reason I hit the toilet and people cheer!!! Easily amused, I guess!
So I am eating the rest of my dinner and then I think I'll watch Bolt (one of my new favorite movies) and head to bed. Tomorrow my cousins come over so I want to be ready for a full day of playing!
First of all, I cracked my mommy up tonight when she said, "Come on, Lynley. I am shutting the light off and closing the door so we need to leave." I looked at her and said, "I don't mind," and I kept right on playing. I had to say it 3 times because mommy thought she heard it wrong the first time. I was just trying to tell her that I didn't mind if she shut off the light and closed the door...I could still play in the water, even in the dark!
This past weekend was great. Friday I spent the day with my posse (Evan and Levi). We had a great day. Me and Levi even wrote in pen on the door while mommy was feeding Evan. I got in a little bit of trouble for that, but mommy got the Magic Eraser and got it right off with some elbow grease! We built towers, we ran through the house playing hide and go seek, we made food in my kitchen, we made a tent and crawled through it. We just had a great day!
The fun didn't end with the day because Friday night I got to go spend the night with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave. I had a great time and Saturday morning we went somewhere I'd never been before!
We parked the car and got on a bus. I told mommy it was an orange bus. The bus took us to a place where there were lots of people walking around and then some big booms. (At least that is the version I told mommy.) It was actually the reenactment of the Battle of Mississinewa. There were people dressed like they dressed in 1812 and they looked a little funny. There were drums (as I reported to mommy). I had a great time! When mommy picked me up in the afternoon I was taking a little nap in Grandma Donna's car. I was worn out!
Mommy and I went to the mall and I rode the train and Garfield. I did a wonderful job walking with mommy and holding her hand. I also didn't pitch any fits when it was time to leave. I was rather impressed with myself!
Then we met Grandma and Pa and went to a place called the Chocolate Moose. It was in a different town and it was a place to eat. I ate such a great dinner there. I had pulled pork, some chicken, a few french fries and some strawberry ice cream. I also got my own little ice cream cone that was just my size. I was such a good girl at the restaurant that I amazed my family!
By the time we got back to my town I was really tired! Mommy and I came home and I got a quick bath. I had to get to bed fairly quickly because Sunday is always a big day.
I slept really well and then got up and ready for church. I told mommy that I had to potty when I woke up and she ran me into the bathroom. I used the big girl potty again! Then I got dressed and headed to church. My class was so fun. I only got upset once because Karen wanted to change my diaper and I just didn't have time to stop playing! Everything else was great! There were NINE of us in my class this week so I was super busy playing with everybody.
Lunch was at Carlos O'Kellys...my favorite...and I ate a whole pizza and my jello! I also had a couple of chips with salsa. I took a great nap in the afternoon and had to have mommy wake me up when it was time to go back to church.
Aunt Clata watched me in the nursery with my friends at night. She brought us pink marshmallows to eat and they were so good!! I played and played until Pa came to pick me up and tell me it was time to leave. We met mommy at the doors and headed out to get some dinner. I had refused to wear shoes back to church at night so we got food from a drive thru and ate it at home!
Today has also been a great day. I went to Granny's house for Monday with the family. I played with Levi and Evan and even my cousin Mason for a few minutes. I haven't seen him in a while, so it took us a few minutes to get used to each other...but I tried to show him the ropes before I had to leave. Aunt Ruthie brought donuts for breakfast and they were so good! Aunt Clata made vegetable soup for lunch and it was also great. I filled in the cracks of my stomach with cookies, ice cream and marshmallows (yes, my mommy lets me eat whatever on Mondays...it is my one day to really splurge).
I came home, had a nap and have been hanging out with mommy ever since. Daddy had to work this weekend and today so I haven't seem him a bunch...but I did get to wake him up this morning. Tonight I am wearing big girl panties and I have told mommy I had to go to the bathroom 2 times...and I went both times!!! Grown ups are really funny because every time I use the bathroom my mommy claps and goes nuts. REALLY IT ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL...I've been doing it since I was born, but for some reason I hit the toilet and people cheer!!! Easily amused, I guess!
So I am eating the rest of my dinner and then I think I'll watch Bolt (one of my new favorite movies) and head to bed. Tomorrow my cousins come over so I want to be ready for a full day of playing!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
It has been a good week so far. Sunday was church and that is always a fun time! Sunday night we even had a party in the gym after the service. I got to eat chocolate cake that was wonderful! I had lots of cake over the weekend because daddy's birthday was last Saturday!
Monday we went to granny's house. I had another great day playing with Levi and Evan. Uncle Patrick also had the week off of work so he got to see us in action, too. I'm not sure he thought it was quite as great as the rest of us though...I think he saw the messes we made and cringed a bit. Oh well, it was fun. That evening I got to go play with Grandma and Pa while mommy and daddy went to two different meetings! By the time I got home it was time for me to go to bed. (I went straight to bed but didn't go to sleep for a LONG TIME!)
Then it was Tuesday and that is usually the day I wake up and find my cousins at my house. I was really confused when I ran into the living room and there was NO LEVI! I was sad, so mommy and daddy decided we'd go to Carlos and have lunch. It was so good!!! Then we went to the park and I got to play for a bit before nap time. After my nap we went to grandma's house so I could hook up with Pa and we could go see Grandma Doris, Grandpa Max and Jimmy. I had a great dinner and fun play time and I even got to play with Shadow the dog a bit.
(Again, went to bed...but didn't go to sleep....coughing and coughing!!)
Wednesday daddy was off work so we did A TON! I didn't get up until 10:00am, so when I did finally decide to start moving around we went to Grandma and Pa's place for a few minutes. I got to see my cousins and that was great because I had really been missing them. Then we SHOPPED UNTIL WE DROPPED! We had to go to the store, to Target, to Walmart, to Kohls...and then we went home. We did make a pit stop for lunch...but it was NON STOP ALL DAY! I had chili for the first time at dinner and I really liked it! Uncle Patrick came over and entertained me for a little bit! Grandma and Pa stopped by to drop off something for Evan (he finally gets to come back to my house)!! I played and played until bed time and then hit the sack! (Again, went to bed but didn't to to sleep for a long time....cough, cough, cough.)
I think maybe today I am going to have to go see the doctor to check on my cough. I don't have a fever or anything, but man I am coughing all over the place! HOWEVER, I have learned that when I cough I should do it into my elbow so nobody else gets germs. I have no idea what germs are....but apparently they aren't very fun and they have to do with my coughs!
OHHHHH, and I have used the potty a few more times. I've also had some misses and forgotten to tell mommy I needed to go, but I've remembered more times than not!
Monday we went to granny's house. I had another great day playing with Levi and Evan. Uncle Patrick also had the week off of work so he got to see us in action, too. I'm not sure he thought it was quite as great as the rest of us though...I think he saw the messes we made and cringed a bit. Oh well, it was fun. That evening I got to go play with Grandma and Pa while mommy and daddy went to two different meetings! By the time I got home it was time for me to go to bed. (I went straight to bed but didn't go to sleep for a LONG TIME!)
Then it was Tuesday and that is usually the day I wake up and find my cousins at my house. I was really confused when I ran into the living room and there was NO LEVI! I was sad, so mommy and daddy decided we'd go to Carlos and have lunch. It was so good!!! Then we went to the park and I got to play for a bit before nap time. After my nap we went to grandma's house so I could hook up with Pa and we could go see Grandma Doris, Grandpa Max and Jimmy. I had a great dinner and fun play time and I even got to play with Shadow the dog a bit.
(Again, went to bed...but didn't go to sleep....coughing and coughing!!)
Wednesday daddy was off work so we did A TON! I didn't get up until 10:00am, so when I did finally decide to start moving around we went to Grandma and Pa's place for a few minutes. I got to see my cousins and that was great because I had really been missing them. Then we SHOPPED UNTIL WE DROPPED! We had to go to the store, to Target, to Walmart, to Kohls...and then we went home. We did make a pit stop for lunch...but it was NON STOP ALL DAY! I had chili for the first time at dinner and I really liked it! Uncle Patrick came over and entertained me for a little bit! Grandma and Pa stopped by to drop off something for Evan (he finally gets to come back to my house)!! I played and played until bed time and then hit the sack! (Again, went to bed but didn't to to sleep for a long time....cough, cough, cough.)
I think maybe today I am going to have to go see the doctor to check on my cough. I don't have a fever or anything, but man I am coughing all over the place! HOWEVER, I have learned that when I cough I should do it into my elbow so nobody else gets germs. I have no idea what germs are....but apparently they aren't very fun and they have to do with my coughs!
OHHHHH, and I have used the potty a few more times. I've also had some misses and forgotten to tell mommy I needed to go, but I've remembered more times than not!
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