Me and my parents had a great adventure this weekend. We went to the Apple Orchard! I got to pick out 4 pumpkins...2 for me, one for mommy and one really big one for daddy. I got to feed the goats, I got to eat an apple-cinnamon fresh donut, I got to climb the bales of hay, I got to run around, and I got an APPLE SLUSHY! It was HEAVENLY...and 'slushy' is my new favorite word to say! Try it, people! It is so fun how it flows off your tongue!
I also got to go to Target! Man I love that store. I was a super good girl...though maybe the people that work there wanted me to leave because I drove a bicycle around the whole time. I was really good at it (well, all except for the turning part) and I didn't bother anybody. I did get some interesting looks...but really, I WAS NOT HURTING ANYONE! I even put some dvd's in the back of the bike because I really wanted daddy to buy them for me. (Come to think of it, I haven't seen those dvd's since we've been home...maybe my parents pulled a fast one on me and didn't buy them after all!!!)
Saturday night we had great spaghetti and got cozy to watch a great movie. Well, the movie was Elmo in Grouchland and it started out great....but then it may have traumatized me for life. Elmo loses his beloved blanket!!! It was too horrible and I sat in mommy's lap and cried for most of the movie! I could totally relate to Elmo and I was just devastated that he'd lost his blanket!!! Daddy and mommy tried to shut the movie off, but that only made it was a train wreck that I just had to see through to the end! My advice to you, DO NOT BUY NOR RENT THE MOVIE UNTIL YOU ARE AT LEAST TEN YEARS OLD...and don't do it then if you have a very best blanket!
Sunday morning I was still talking about it, but it sure helped to go play with my friends! Mommy says every time we go to church now the nursery workers find her after service to tell her a "Lynley Story." Apparently I do things that are really funny or really interesting or really something! This Sunday morning I grabbed the hand of our pastor's wife, got in her lap and starred at her for about 20 minutes. I never said a word and we just rocked...and I starred at her! Then Sunday night Will and Heather were playing with us. All at once they realized that I was sitting in the corner gnawing on a baby doll's feet. They asked me what I was doing and I very seriously replied, "I got to eat her toe nails!"
Yep, I like to keep everybody never knows what I will say, OR DO, next!
Monday was my day at Granny's house. Me and my cousins had a great time playing and the grown ups had a great time talking and cleaning up after us!
I think this brings you all up to date! I think we'll be carving pumpkins I will definitely have to keep you posted!
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