I have so much to be thankful for! I haven't been writing much because daddy has had some time off work and we are in the middle of a WHOLE WEEK when he doesn't have to go to work! So we've been super busy doing fun stuff.
Let me see, I actually spent the weekend with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave this past weekend. I had a super time. I slept in a big bed with Grandma Donna, I went down to the river to throw sticks that splashed with Grandpa Dave, I went to the store, I talked to Aunt Emily on the computer, and I did some serious playing!
I also helped celebrate Granny Conner's birthday last week! It was great. We sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY, me and Levi helped blow out candles, I ate some icing, I blew out more candles...it was wonderful!
I also got to spend an evening with Grandma and Pa. We played and watched Bolt and played some more! I got to ride on Pa's back and go down the slide in the play room and "make dinner" in my kitchen! It was so much fun!!
I can't forget that last Wednesday I took my bike to church and rode all around the gym! I've never been able to do that before and I pedaled my little legs off!! My daddy actually had the idea to do it and I was SO HAPPY!
This morning I am taking some time to reflect on the many things I have to be thankful for! There are way to many to list, and the things I just wrote were definitely on that list... but I wanted to share a few more...and they are in no order.
I am thankful for Mondays at Granny's house, for hanging out with my wonderful cousins, and for all the play time I get each day!

I am thankful I can exercise with daddy by playing Wii Active!
I am thankful that I got to put up a Christmas tree of my very own in my room...and I am thankful we got to put up the BIG CHRISTMAS TREE early this year!

I am thankful for all my family and friends...and for furry, pink hats!
I am just one blessed little lady!!!
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