This last week has been a whirlwind! I hung out with my cousins last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and it was lots of fun. Mommy let us play outside a lot because the weather was nice. I also had school and dance on top of that AND I had to get me and mommy packed for a weekend away!
Mommy went to Chicago for the weekend so I got to spend the weekend with Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna. We had a great time. A couple of highlights were getting to go to the Ft. Wayne Zoo and to see where my cousin Tyler goes to college. I did LOTS of walking and it was so much fun. I also got to go eat tomatoes out of Grandpa Si's garden! And I can't forget that Friday daddy took me to the Cardinal Greenway to ride my bike!
By the time I got home Sunday evening I was pooped! Lots of sleep has been on my agenda, as well as lunch with Granny and Grandma and some playing at the park. I think this week may be a bit quieter, but one can never be sure about these things.
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