So technically this wasn't my first Thanksgiving, but I sure do believe I'll remember more of this one than last year. I am thinking since I was just such a baby last year, I probably slept through most everything, took a couple of bottles, and probably was passed around for lots of grown ups to handle. This year was TOTALLY DIFFERENT!
Of course I woke up with some sort of a cold. Seriously people, I am tired of getting these little viruses on important days! I felt a bit cruddy at my birthday and now I felt a bit cruddy at Thanksgiving! However, I still enjoyed myself!!! I got up and got dressed, ate just a bit of breakfast and then headed out the door to Granny Conner's place. Mommy and daddy took lots of food, so I knew we were in for seeing lots of people! I got to watch the parade on television. It was wonderful and my favorite part was the care bears float. It was so great that I went to the tv and tried to touch them.
At some point during the morning my aunts, uncles, cousins and everybody else showed up. (I missed Levi though, he was at another house for Thanksgiving.) When it was time to eat, I really enjoyed the corn and jello jigglers!!! The stuffing was good and the rolls were nice, but nothing compared to the corn! Mommy was just super happy I was eating veggies!
After lunch my Aunt Cince and Uncle Tim and Casey showed up. I didn't get to see them very long because mommy said I absolutely had to get a nap in before my next meal. SOOOO, I said my goodbyes and we headed home.
I was so tired that I fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up when mommy took off my coat, changed my diaper and changed my clothes!!! I slept for a while and then woke up ready to go. Mommy said I had company, so I walked out to the lounge to see what was up! Grandma Penticuff and Aunt Sherry and Aunt Karen were there making more food!!! Before long, my OTHER SET of cousins, aunts and uncles were here!!! I ran all over the place and especially had a great time when my cousin Alex arrived! He brought a remote control car and we had a ton of fun!
Time to eat AGAIN, and again the corn was my favorite! I also had 2 rolls that were heavenly and some turkey (I preferred the dark meat that grandpa gave me). I ate and played some more. I played and played and played. Really, I did THAT MUCH PLAYING! I knew it was a special day when at 8:00pm I did not hear my parents even mention bed!
I got to stay up until most of my family left for the night. Just when I thought I was getting the look from daddy that meant, "time for bed," mommy gave me a bite of chocolate pie! OH WOW! That stuff was great. I got a few more bites and had a little milk, and then I really did get the dreaded look. I didn't put up too much of a fight because I was tired, but I hate going to bed when things are still going on around me!
Today was something called BLACK FRIDAY. That is right, first Thanksgiving and then black Friday. Really, these adults come up with outrageous names for things! So my parents did some online shopping while I played and then they made me get dressed. We went to the mall and YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE how many crazies were out! I say crazies because I just starred at the people (mostly ladies) carrying tons of bags and trying to run all over the stores. SHEESH, there must have been some good deals or something!
So I sat in my stroller while mommy and daddy looked through a few stores. I was so busy watching all the people that I didn't complain too much that I was sitting for quite a while. Mommy promised we'd only visit a few stores, so I was on my best behavior!
After Black Friday shopping, we grabbed some lunch and headed home. I took a really good nap...all those crazies made me tired just watching them! Then when I woke up we went to Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Filler's house. We had MORE THANKSGIVING FOOD! Man, we have eaten GOOOOOD this weekend! So we visited with my family and I finally got to see LEVI! Thank Goodness because I thought that kid was M.I.A.
After Thanksgiving at the Filler house we came home and played before my bed time. Again, I wasn't prepared for bed time, but I heard mommy saying something about Cyber Monday (I'm guessing ANOTHER CRAZY DAY), so I decided maybe bed was a good idea! Who knows what I will be doing next!!!
I hope all of you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving and a Happy Black Friday!
1 comment:
Hi Lynley! You are so adorable and a busy little girl. My husband and I really love reading about your adventures.
Take Care
Candi in Ohio
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