I know I say it everyday, but today was no exception...it was a great day! I got up after a wonderful 12 hours of sleep and was ready for anything. Me and mommy and daddy ate breakfast together (cinnamon rolls) and then we got ready for the day. It was kind of yucky outside so I had to wear a rain coat. I wasn't really excited about that at first, but I got used to the idea when I walked outside and realized it was about 40 degrees colder than yesterday (maybe I exaggerate a tad).
Anyway, I heard some talking in the front of the car about Christmas and what Santa might bring to me. We went to several stores and looked all around. I had to laugh a bit because we went to JC Penney to look for a gift for my cousin Levi and, of course, we walked out with something for ME! They had one wail of a sell today and I got 2 pairs of cords that hopefully will fit just beautifully!!! Mommy says we can't buy Levi any clothes until she knows what size to get for sure, so we have to do some more shopping soon for Levi. I think we should get him toys and mommy agrees. She almost bought him a tambourine and drum set...but then she thought about what Uncle Lawrence might get me and decided against it!
So, we did lots of looking this morning. We shopped so long that I got to eat lunch in the car. It was one of my favorites...a 4 piece chicken nugget with apple fries kids meal from BK. I finished off my lunch and headed to bed for a nap!
When I woke up and went to the living room I was SOOOO embarrassed! Nobody told me we had company (Josh and Shanise) and I walked out in a NON-MATCHING outfit. Just Picture It! I had on my cow pj pants and a flowery turtleneck! I was just mortified until mommy told me I looked just fine. It didn't take long to forget about my clothes and realize there were NEW PEOPLE TO PLAY WITH!! I quickly began showing them my toys and was quite pleased with the attention I received from everybody in the room!
When the visit was over I had to get dressed again so we could go to the store. Mommy picked Meijer and we headed out for milk and other essentials. My parents decided to take a quick gander at the toys while we were there and they became VERY, VERY excited about a steal-of-a-deal they found. I don't know what it is, but the box was so big that it hit me in the head because there wasn't room for it in the cart! Daddy got it fixed and then he had to push the cart the rest of the time because mommy couldn't see over the box and she was afraid she'd run over people!!! I am pretty pumped about it because 2 different people stopped us and told us that they got those for their kids and the kids LOVED THEM! They did warn daddy about the assembly part, but mommy says that is nothing I have to worry about! So I am guessing Santa must have told my parents I have been an EXCELLENT CHILD this year! Thank goodness he left out the part about those few temper tantrums I've been learning to throw!
After the store we came home and mommy made dinner. I ate a little bit but continued to play while eating. Before I knew it, it was time for bed again. I took my ear infection medicine like a champ and off to bed I went!
Oh and I cannot forget to tell you my new word!!! Tonight I said, "fish" "fish" at Meijer. I always get to go watch the fish while we are there and tonight I repeated it after daddy. Once I saw my parents reaction to my new word, I said it OVER AND OVER again!!!! Big people are so easily amused!
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