Again I have to tell you, a lot has happened in a week! Me and mommy are so sorry we haven't been on here but we've been trying to figure out Facebook and we've been talking to people that mommy hasn't seen in a long time and who haven't even met me yet! So of course I had to catch them up on my 18 months of life!!!
This last week has been so good for me. Me and daddy and mommy spent most of the day at the church last Friday and so I got LOTS of running done. That gym is so much fun!!! HOWEVER, I am not so sure about the new Upward mascot...it is a platypus and it is a bit too scary for me. Friday night I stayed with Grandma Filler while mommy and daddy had 55 kids at a party. I got to play at my house. Saturday morning I got to do the same thing! Play and Play and Play. Saturday night mommy and daddy went to dinner and a movie for Valentine's Day. Me and Grandma and Grandpa Penticuff hung out together. We had the run of the place since all the Academy kids were home for the weekend. I really had a great time.
This week was pretty normal: going to Granny's house, visiting my great-grandparents (Sorrell and Filler), seeing the ladies on Tuesday night. But Wednesday was a little bit different. Me and mommy and Grandma Filler went to the hospital to visit with my family. My Great Uncle Bob had to have open heart surgery and so I went over to keep everybody happy (and on their toes) while he was with the doctors. You would not believe how big that place is. I walked and walked and walked and walked and walked. Not only did I walk all over the 2nd floor, but then I walked back to the car when we were all done. The great news is that my uncle is doing well, the other great news is that I got to meet another cousin that I'd never met before. His name is Stephen and he is from North Carolina. THEN I got to meet a brand new baby named Parker. He was just born and in a few weeks he is going to stay with me and mommy while his mommy goes to work. He was so little and I was quite fascinated with his little feet. We didn't stay long though because he was just born and he needed to rest with his mommy!
Today I got to see Levi for a while. We haven't been hanging out much this last week because our parents have been so very busy with other stuff. It was great to see him today. He opened the door for me and we ran all over our grandma and pa's house together. I have sure missed him!
Tonight I went to Subway for dinner. I got my usual meal: turkey, cheese, tomatoes and white bread with apples and milk. However, I showed mommy that I no longer need her to take it all apart for me. I can eat it like a big girl!! The grown ups laughed watching me. I am really getting old.
Tonight I went to Subway for dinner. I got my usual meal: turkey, cheese, tomatoes and white bread with apples and milk. However, I showed mommy that I no longer need her to take it all apart for me. I can eat it like a big girl!! The grown ups laughed watching me. I am really getting old.
You'll never guess what I got today! Me and daddy went to check the mail and there was a letter from Washington! I got a Valentine from my friend Carol!! THANKS CAROL! I was so excited!!
I think that catches you up. We'll be better about keeping you updated. Facebook is already old hat and I am ready to get back to blogging!!!
1 comment:
What great pictures, Lynley you are growing up so fast. I'ts hard for me to realize that you are talking and running and now eating a sandwich...what's next, a T-Bone...lol.
I'm proud to have you as my Valentine.
*Hugs and Kisses*
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