Today was interesting. I should have known something was up when I woke up and looked at my hair. Seriously people, I am not sure it has EVER been this WILD! And as wild as my hair was, I am not sure that I cared a whole bunch because I just didn't feel 100%. Don't get me wrong, mommy and daddy said I was a trooper because they just thought I had a yucky cold, but I could just tell something was a bit off.
So I got up and hung out with daddy for a few minutes while mommy took Tabatha to school. When she got home we immediately started looking for the DVD case that HAD to go back to the library today. When I say "we looked" I really mean that my parents looked and I continued to play with toys by dumping them all over the floor. But anyway, luckily mommy found the case (it was from a Veggie Tales dvd that I loved to carry around) and we got it ready to take back to the library. Daddy got to go back to bed for a little bit since he had worked late last night.
So mommy made me get dressed and, thank heavens, she fixed my hair! I think this is the first time I got to stand on the toilet (don't worry the lid was down) while she got my hair wet and combed it down. It took some elbow grease, but finally it stayed down!! We woke daddy up and then headed out the door.
I discovered pretty quickly that it was time for my doctor appointment. 18 months old means you gotta go see the doc. I did an EXCELLENT JOB! We found out that I weigh 25 pounds and that I am 33.5 inches tall. Dr. Byrn listened to my chest a lot because I have lots of congestion. I did a super job letting him check my ears and my mouth and all that good stuff. He discovered that I have an ear infection in my right ear and a sinus infection! No wonder I was a bit off this morning. Don't worry though, my doc gave me some medicine that will make me much better soon. I did get 1 shot, but I didn't even flinch when the nurse gave it to me.
After that I got to put all my clothes on and we hit the road. We went to Walgreens to get my medicine and a new toothbrush and then we went home. I had some lunch (and I mean just some because I didn't eat much) and then played a few minutes. I took a good nap and then me and mommy went to Subway to meet Grandma and Pa, Lawrence, Sara and Levi!
This was Tuesday so me and Levi got to go to my Great Grandparents Fillers house and play. Boy we played a ton and it was so much fun. Then it was time to come home, take a bath, talk to mommy and the girls (Tuesday night is girls night at our house), and then head to bed. I took my medicine and it was so good that I wanted MORE!!! Mommy had to wrestle me for the syringe, but I finally gave up and hit the sack.
I'm leaving you with a video of me and my singing sticks from yesterday. I don't know why, but I sure do feel like singing every time I pick them up!!!
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