This weekend has been a blast so far! The weather has been beautiful so I have been outside enjoying it! Yesterday I got up and helped mommy watch Parker. I really was a big help. I am SUPER GOOD at telling other people to "shhhhhh" around the baby and then yelling as loud as I can...just so everybody knows that the being quiet rule does NOT apply to me.
After Parker went home with his mommy I took a quick nap and then headed to Amazing Joe's to eat dinner with Pa and Grandma Filler. It was good but I should have told mommy not to get me an entree because I was most impressed with the bread. (Don't tell anybody, but I ate a WHOLE LOAF by myself!!) The bread has great dill sauce on it and I just LOVE IT!
After dinner we all went to a park to watch daddy play softball. I did watch for a few minutes but I was more excited about the giant curly slide than anything else. I wasn't a bit scared, even though it was REALLY BIG! It was the biggest I'd ever seen. Pa stood at the top and I climbed the stairs all by myself. Then I went down all by myself and mommy caught me at the bottom. I went down the slide about 50 times because it was just so fun. Then I decided to try the merry-go-round with the big kids. They were nice to me and I went around and around several times before mommy thought we should try something else. So I went to the swings and tried that.
Pa and grandma had to leave so me and mommy walked all around the tennis courts and the park for another hour! I was hot and tired and sweaty, but it sure was fun! When daddy was done we came home and I got a GREAT bath and then hit the sack!
Today daddy was gone. He went to some place called Kings Island with the kids he works with...so me and mommy decided to have a girls day. First we went with grandma to see Uncle Lawrence, Aunt Sara and Evan. We stayed for 3 hours and I was a very good girl. Mommy couldn't believe how good I was the whole time. I played with Uncle Lawrence and watched the nurses when they came in to help Aunt Sara feel better.
After visiting, we went to Wendy's for lunch and then headed home. Mommy thought I should take a nap, but I didn't agree. I laid in my room and talked and talked and talked. Finally mommy decided to give in (she never does that so I knew decided to be super good the rest of the day to show her it was okay just this once)! We went to Target to pick up a few little things and just look around. I am getting really good at shopping and not complaining!
After Target we came home and played outside. We made a masterpiece outside our door with sidewalk chalk and then we went for a walk. We even saw our friend Lizzy and talked to her for a few minutes. Eventually I got hungry and we decided to have dinner.
I had some wonderful food, watched a wonderful movie (Madagascar 2) and then had a bath. Mommy let me play in the bath longer than usual and she scrubbed my face and feet because I was REALLY DIRTY!
I am relaxing in my pj's and winding down for the evening. I know I have to go to bed soon because tomorrow is church and I just have to be well rested for the fun I'll have in the nursery! I am hoping daddy will be home tomorrow. I had a great day but I missed him, too!