I know I usually wait until the evening to tell you what has been happening, but I just could not wait today! I have a NEW BABY COUSIN! Evan Matthew is a handsome little guy! A whole bunch of grown up information about it will be on Levi's blog at some point I am sure, but here is what I know.
Last night Uncle Lawrence and Aunt Sara went to the hospital to spend the night. Evan wasn't gonna come until today, so mommy went by herself to visit last night and me and daddy stayed home. In the middle of the night mommy got a phone call that Sara was going to have surgery so the baby could come out. For some reason (and I know it was important..but I don't understand all that stuff) Evan just could not wait any longer and so the doctor did surgery to get him here!
Mommy went to the hospital but let me sleep because a 20 month old certainly needs her beauty rest!!! I don't know that I've seen 2:30am since I was a little lady who had to eat 4 times a night! I had no idea anything had happened, but when I got up this morning mommy told me I had a NEW COUSIN!
So me and mommy watched Parker today and then when he was fed and happy, we all went to the hospital for just a few minutes so I could meet Evan, too. I was quite taken with his hat...and I was quite taken with Uncle Lawrence's laptop because I could watch Sesame Street! You won't believe it, but Evan has 10 fingers, 10 toes and looks like a very little Levi...kind of. I am already jealous of his hair...he has more than I had when I was one year old!! But anyway, he was 7 lbs and 3 ozs and I think about 21 inches long. All I know is that he is TINY, TINY!
Aunt Sara is doing very well. She looked awfully pretty for a lady who had to have doctors working on her all night!!! She is getting some good rest and so I was sure to be good while I was up there.
Isn't this just great news? Mommy is already trying to get me to say, "Evan." I'm working on it in my mind...and hopefully I'll be saying it soon! I hear that tonight I get to spend some time with Grandma Donna...more great news for the day! I just had no idea how special today would be when I woke up! Mommy says tomorrow I can see Baby Evan again!! Here are some pictures mommy and daddy took today at the hospital.
Hi Lynley Grace! Please do me a favor and pass on my excitement and well wishes to your Aunt and Uncle! I am really envious of your happy dance, complete with plastic hat!! You go girl! Have fun visiting Evan tomorrow and don't forget to give Levi a big hug too!
Lynley, love the happy dance. You and Levi will have so much fun teaching Evan all about life.....
Sending hugs across the miles to Indiana...
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