Boy this has started out to be a really fabulous weekend. I slept in until 9:15 this morning and then enjoyed a really great breakfast. Mommy and I had bagels with cream cheese while watching a marvelous episode of Handy Manny. Then we played with my jump rope and washed my hands and fed my baby dolls. Before long it was time to wake up the sleeping giant, a.k.a. DADA!
I climbed up on daddy's bed and did a nice big belly flop right on top of him. We played and decided to get me dressed. This is the 3rd day I've worn barrettes in my hair. Mommy can get one to stay in finally! Before long I'll have pigtails...but for now we are just celebrating SOMETHING staying in my hair! Well, we are really celebrating the fact that I HAVE ENOUGH HAIR to put something in!
So my Granny Conner and Grandma Filler stopped by to help mommy make a decision. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I suddenly learned that I was getting the COOLEST lights in my bedroom. They are shaped like flowers and they are HUGE and they hang on my wall. The really great part is that I CAN TURN THEM ON AND OFF BY MYSELF.
Oh how I love my lights! Granny and Grandma left and daddy said he and I would go pay some bills and grab lunch. So we did. Mommy stayed home and did some more "spring cleaning." I had a great time running errands with dad. I even got to have a happy meal for my lunch.
When we got home I showed mommy my happy meal toy and then it was time for a nap. I didn't complain a bit because I was going to get to play with my new lights. Mommy shut the door and I said, "ON," and turned on the lights. Then I said, "OFF," and turned off the lights. I did this repeatedly for quite a while before finally nodding off for a quick nap.
After my nap I took a long walk and then put on a concert for my parents. I played the guitar, sang and danced. Then I decided things were too quiet. Mommy was getting the trash together, daddy was taking something to the back and I decided to learn how to open the screen door even though it was locked. That is right! I figured out how to get a door open even though it is locked. It was great...and it brought mommy and daddy RUNNING!
We had dinner, I had a bath and then it was time to wind down. Me and mommy got my clothes ready for tomorrow and picked up my room. Then I headed to bed. I'm not sure what time I'll actually go to sleep because I need to play with my lights some more, but I AM pretty tired...so we'll see. Enjoy the video! It goes out to all you that I love, from Indiana all the way to Washington!
Lynley I've figured out how to escape a nap the past 2 days. I'll tell you how on Monday!
Lynley I really enjoyed the concert. How exciting about your new lights, maybe I should look into getting some. Wow only having to say on and off that would be great.
I knew it wouldn't be long till your hair started getting longer. It's really a pretty color.
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