My family had a great holiday weekend! Daddy had his last day of working with the kids (until the fall) on Saturday. He worked all day and me and mommy decided to take it easy. We went to lunch with Pa and grandma and then we went and bought plants for our family garden. Me and daddy and mommy and pa and grandma and Lawrence and Sara and Levi and Evan are all going to have a garden this year with all kinds of good food to eat in it!!! So we went to pick out what to plant. We got peppers and corn and onions and tomatoes and melon and strawberries and who knows what else?!?!!!! I got really tired after walking through all the plants and headed home to nap.
After my nap I really wanted to go for a walk. Mommy let me walk through the Academy and outside...pretty much wherever I wanted to go. It was great and it was LONG...almost 2 hours! I talked to the SLC's and other people that daddy works with every day. I picked flowers and rocks and pine cones. It was so fun.
When daddy got home we all left and went to a cook out at Vickie's house (she works with daddy). She lives at a house with LOTS AND LOTS OF GRASS!!!! I got to run everywhere! It was so fun AND I got to stay up past my bed time. I played basketball with the big people, I got on a BIG trampoline, I rode a wooden horse, I ate LOTS of strawberries with glaze, I played with a marshmallow gun and ATE lots of marshmallows, I walked over a bridge that was just my size, I watched the dogs, I ran through the barn. I did everything you could imagine...except sit down!!! I especially enjoyed playing with Joe, daddy's boss. He always has toys for me to play with in his office at the Academy and so I knew he would be so fun at the party.
We got home late and I had to take a bath because I was D-I-R-T-Y!!!
Sunday came REALLY QUICKLY and my family worked on our garden. Church was fun and spending the afternoon with Levi was great! By Sunday night I was really ready for bed...but not so tired that I couldn't entertain my family at dinner! Uncle Jeff, Aunt Lesa, Tabatha and Granny came with us to dinner and I was full of things to make them laugh. I can also say, "Jeff" and "Lesa" now...AND I CAN SAY LYNLEY...or actually inley...but you know what I mean!
Monday was time with lots of family and, again, I was SOOOOOOOOO TIRED when I got home. I slept really great last night and I think today I will take a really good nap because the weekend has caught up with me!
I will definitely get pictures on here of my garden and my holiday celebrations, but here is one of me at the cook out having such fun!!!
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