I know I have been just awful about updating you lately on my life. Seriously, I think this month may be the busiest I've ever had in 21 months of life! That is no excuse on leaving you high and dry without any words from me, but all I can say is it is B-U-S-Y! (I want to spell it out because my parents are now spelling out words instead of saying them. They truly sound a bit ridiculous sometimes and I don't get why they just don't say words, but I'll never be able to explain the adult mind!!!)
So May is a crazy month for daddy because his schedule changes as the kids he works with get ready to go home for the summer. Me and mommy haven't seen him as much as usual so we have to make sure to spend QUALITY time with him since QUANTITY has gone down! And mommy is getting ready for 3 big meetings this month so she has been working hard because the first one is this weekend! AND on top of that we have been watching Parker while his mommy and daddy work during the days. ALSO we've been trying to see Evan and Levi some because Aunt Sara is home from work until August and for some reason all the grown ups are CRAZY about the new baby! And we've been trying to still do our Mondays at Granny Conner's house. And I am so busy amazing my parents that I really have had time for nothing else.
Every day I am saying new words. This week alone I am saying, "hippo" and "anma (grandma)" and "stop" and "sit" and "apple" and "Carol"...well, I am still working on Carol... and I am even starting to put a few words together to make short sentences, like, "momma sit!" I have also taken up the art of break dancing and, I must say, I am pretty spectacular. I also have been really into brushing my teeth and washing my hands for a couple of weeks now. NO SWINE FLU FOR ME!!!!!
I am going to try and be better about getting this thing updated daily again. I just had to tell my mommy to get it in gear. Daddy has been telling her the same thing for days and I guess she finally listened because here I am trying to tell you how busy I am!!!
Enjoy the pictures and check back tomorrow...I'm gonna really try to write again!
1 comment:
Can't wait to hear you say Carol.
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