Friday, July 31, 2009
Can You Tell?

Monday, July 27, 2009
Dance to My Own Beat

We got to granny's house and saw granny and grandma! I started playing immediately, but I was pretty low key compared to how I usually am. Then my cousins showed up with Aunt Sara. I was so glad to see Levi! He didn't look any different, but mommy says he is 2 years old now. So we played, I ate the centers out of the cookies and left the rest, we had donut holes when Aunt Ruthie got there, and we ran from room to room.
It was so much fun. It felt like it has been forever since we've been at granny's house for a Monday. Levi hasn't been there for a couple of weeks so it was great to have the whole gang together. Unfortunately Aunt Clata and Uncle Bob couldn't make it today, but everybody else was there. Mommy and Aunt Sara went to the cake store to get birthday cakes for me and Levi. We both have another party this Saturday. I hear my cake is gonna be SO PRETTY! I think I even heard Minnie Mouse may be on it somewhere!!!
After we left granny's house we took Tabatha to her house. I knew when I got home I was going to have to take a nap. I didn't care much because I was pretty tuckered out. I slept for a little over an hour and then got up ready to GO again. Mommy said we were going to go to Uncle Lawrence and Aunt Sara's house to work in the garden.
I love going out there because they have a huge yard to play in. I didn't see Levi because he was at his Bible School tonight, but me and grandma and pa worked in the garden. I used the shovel to move some dirt, I helped Pa put the weeds in the trash and I picked a few flowers for mommy and grandma and pa. I kept checking out the neighbor's dog and watching every move the neighbors made. I also played with Levi's microphone and airplane even though he wasn't home. Before I knew it I had worked up a good sweat and I was DIRTY! We headed home with the windows down so i could cool off. Me and mommy sang songs all the way home and I moved my head to the beat while using my microphone to sing LOUD.
We ate dinner, I watched my new Elmo movie and then it was bath time. I REALLY NEEDED A BATH. I think I needed a bath more today than I ever have. I had dirt and sticky caramel all over. Mommy let me have some dip for my apples tonight and I certainly liked it. Somehow it ended in my hair, on my face and on my arms. Don't really know how that happened, but the bath took care of everything.
Daddy showed up towards the end of my bath. He had a really long day at work today so mommy let me stay up a little longer so he could read me a couple of books and spend some time with me.
I know you won't believe it, but I was just about ready for bed again! I have been doing a lot of sleeping this last few days. Maybe I am growing again!?! I hear that tomorrow we get to watch Evan while Levi goes to his 2 year appointment at his doctor's office. I think he has to have shots and everything!!! I am going to help mommy take care of baby Evan and I can't wait!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Celebrate Good Times

So yesterday was my first of THREE birthday parties! It was my party with Levi, who is REALLY 2 years old today!!! I get to have one next Saturday and then I have a little party with my mommy and daddy on my real birthday. Really people, I get to do lots of celebrating!!!
So let me give you the headlines: We had a Madagascar party! Mommy and daddy and Lizzy really decorated the lounge where we partied! We had dance music and even a tiki hut! I ate LOTS of icing. Not kidding, I ate like 4 pieces of cake....but just the icing, not the cake part! I got lots of wonderful presents from my wonderful family and friends. Levi got lots of wonderful presents from wonderful friends and family. I got clothes and my very first real girlie panties....mommy says someday I won't want to tell people I got underwear, but I am pretty excited about them right now. I got a sit-and-spin that I mastered in a matter of minutes. I got a tiara that lights up and fits perfectly on my head. I got my own chair to sit in while lounging in the living room. I got a doll. I got a backpack that rolls around the room. I got coloring books and stickers and an ELMO dvd and a panda bear with a dvd all about pandas and a Mrs. Potato Head and a Little Peoples Van that plays music while rolling down the road. I got a ball that you sit on and bounce and a bubble machine and a Rosie Train (from Thomas the Train) and all kinds of stuff. Me and my cousin are so very blessed to have such wonderful people who love us so much!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Does the Fun Ever End?
I don't want the fun to end, but I am beginning to wonder if it really ever does! It has been a bit since I've updated you on what is happening here, so this may be a multi-post day because I am just sure I could never get EVERYTHING into one post!
Let me begin by telling you that I had a really great July 4th weekend! On Friday morning, the 3rd, Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna came to our house pretty early and we all packed up the car and headed out of town. I said, "Ball Game," all day because my parents let it slip that we were going to one!!!
We drove to KY and found the hotel we'd be staying at overnight. That is right, two weekends in a row I stayed in a hotel. We checked in, we found our rooms and I was super excited that our room and grandma's room were joined together by a door that I found very easy to open! A quick bite to eat at Big Boy's was next on our agenda. I was really too excited to eat a ton, but I did have some mac and cheese. Then it was back to the hotel for a quick nap before heading to the game.
I put on my Reds shirt and a hat and was ready to go! We all rode a bus across the big bridge to the ball park! I walked most of the way with a little help from daddy and Grandpa Dave when my legs were tired. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when we got there, but I soon realized it was MOST FUN! First I got to jump in a bounce house...I knew NO FEAR. Then I got to pet tons of animals that were visiting from the Cincinnati Zoo....I knew NO FEAR (I am talking snakes and weird looking lizards!!!). Then I got to watch some guys singing and dancing on a stage and I really wanted to join them...I knew NO FEAR.
Eventually I made it to my seat and was ready to see the game. We sang the National Anthem and I saw an eagle land on the field. I was quite taken with the little girl sitting behind me. She played with me several times throughout the night. I was also quite taken by the Dip n' Dots Grandpa Dave got me! I soon discovered that the ball park is an excellent place to eat! Nachos, popcorn, ice cream...you name it and they have got it!!! The jumbo-tron was also a big hit! They show all kinds of stuff on that thing...including many people dancing during the breaks! I really enjoyed that.
You aren't going to believe this, but in a game with nine innings, I only got out of our seats once to stretch my legs!! Nobody could believe how I stayed in our seats like a big girl. I mean, there were adults there that couldn't sit still as long as I did!!! And after the game I stayed in my seats another 15 minutes to wait for the big fireworks show.
I really enjoyed the fireworks!! I made sure mommy and daddy and Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna all clapped their hands to the music as we watched the fireworks. The big booms didn't scare me and I found myself dancing along several times! It was just So MUCH FUN!
After the game I perched on daddy's shoulders and we headed back to the bus in a sea of people! I had another fabulous bus ride and then headed to the hotel, where we enjoyed some White Castles before bed! Don't even ask me what time I went to bed that night because you wouldn't believe me if I told you... and you certainly wouldn't believe the good mood I stayed in even though it was that late!
Saturday morning we had breakfast in our room and then started back home. We stopped at a restaurant for lunch and I had roast beef (loved it)! Then it was back in the car for the rest of the trip! There was so much to see that I didn't even take a nap while we were driving.
Saturday, after we got home and rested for just a few minutes, me and mommy and daddy headed to Granny Conner's house for July 4th. I got to see my Uncle Tim and Aunt Cince, who live far away so I don't see them all the time. I played shy for about 2 seconds and then was back to my usual charming self! We had great food and talked about going to fireworks again!
Mommy thought we probably wouldn't do fireworks because I'd already had a big weekend, but after she saw what a trooper I was being we decided to go after all. I got to see fireworks two nights in a row!!! However, I was really afraid of falling asleep so I made sure to run around most of the time Saturday night while they were booming in the air!
The beginning of last week was great, too! I wish I could remember everything I have done, but let me just tell you that it has all been exciting. I don't want to forget to let you know that I had my first sleep over in Marion Friday night!!! Grandma Donna picked me up after she got off work and we headed off for our adventure. A simple, "bye," and a couple of kisses to my parents and I was out the door! AND I did a wonderful job, yet again! I slept good that night after playing full-steam with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave. I didn't even move a muscle for about 12 hours!!! We had a great morning together and then I joined mommy and daddy at the church for VBS Kickoff Day.
Let me just say this about Kickoff Day. I partied hard for an almost 2 year old! I went in the bounce house and jumped and jumped and jumped! Then I even got to do the 75 foot obstacle course that all the big kids and adults were doing! AND at the end there is a HUGE slide that I went down all by myself and was all smiles at the end of it!! I got to do the obstacle course a couple of times with the help of daddy!
This week has been super busy with VBS every night. Me and mommy have been hanging out during the day and then heading over before dinner time. My class has been great! We even get to play in the gym every night after we eat!!!
Like I said at the beginning of this post, the fun never seems to end! I am loving it...well, all except the guys working outside my window today that aren't letting me sleep. They are trying to fix something on the building and they are one noisy bunch...but other than that I cannot complain!!!
I have lots of pictures to show, so I'm going to post them in a whole different post for you to see!
Let me begin by telling you that I had a really great July 4th weekend! On Friday morning, the 3rd, Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna came to our house pretty early and we all packed up the car and headed out of town. I said, "Ball Game," all day because my parents let it slip that we were going to one!!!
We drove to KY and found the hotel we'd be staying at overnight. That is right, two weekends in a row I stayed in a hotel. We checked in, we found our rooms and I was super excited that our room and grandma's room were joined together by a door that I found very easy to open! A quick bite to eat at Big Boy's was next on our agenda. I was really too excited to eat a ton, but I did have some mac and cheese. Then it was back to the hotel for a quick nap before heading to the game.
I put on my Reds shirt and a hat and was ready to go! We all rode a bus across the big bridge to the ball park! I walked most of the way with a little help from daddy and Grandpa Dave when my legs were tired. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when we got there, but I soon realized it was MOST FUN! First I got to jump in a bounce house...I knew NO FEAR. Then I got to pet tons of animals that were visiting from the Cincinnati Zoo....I knew NO FEAR (I am talking snakes and weird looking lizards!!!). Then I got to watch some guys singing and dancing on a stage and I really wanted to join them...I knew NO FEAR.
Eventually I made it to my seat and was ready to see the game. We sang the National Anthem and I saw an eagle land on the field. I was quite taken with the little girl sitting behind me. She played with me several times throughout the night. I was also quite taken by the Dip n' Dots Grandpa Dave got me! I soon discovered that the ball park is an excellent place to eat! Nachos, popcorn, ice cream...you name it and they have got it!!! The jumbo-tron was also a big hit! They show all kinds of stuff on that thing...including many people dancing during the breaks! I really enjoyed that.
You aren't going to believe this, but in a game with nine innings, I only got out of our seats once to stretch my legs!! Nobody could believe how I stayed in our seats like a big girl. I mean, there were adults there that couldn't sit still as long as I did!!! And after the game I stayed in my seats another 15 minutes to wait for the big fireworks show.
I really enjoyed the fireworks!! I made sure mommy and daddy and Grandpa Dave and Grandma Donna all clapped their hands to the music as we watched the fireworks. The big booms didn't scare me and I found myself dancing along several times! It was just So MUCH FUN!
After the game I perched on daddy's shoulders and we headed back to the bus in a sea of people! I had another fabulous bus ride and then headed to the hotel, where we enjoyed some White Castles before bed! Don't even ask me what time I went to bed that night because you wouldn't believe me if I told you... and you certainly wouldn't believe the good mood I stayed in even though it was that late!
Saturday morning we had breakfast in our room and then started back home. We stopped at a restaurant for lunch and I had roast beef (loved it)! Then it was back in the car for the rest of the trip! There was so much to see that I didn't even take a nap while we were driving.
Saturday, after we got home and rested for just a few minutes, me and mommy and daddy headed to Granny Conner's house for July 4th. I got to see my Uncle Tim and Aunt Cince, who live far away so I don't see them all the time. I played shy for about 2 seconds and then was back to my usual charming self! We had great food and talked about going to fireworks again!
Mommy thought we probably wouldn't do fireworks because I'd already had a big weekend, but after she saw what a trooper I was being we decided to go after all. I got to see fireworks two nights in a row!!! However, I was really afraid of falling asleep so I made sure to run around most of the time Saturday night while they were booming in the air!
The beginning of last week was great, too! I wish I could remember everything I have done, but let me just tell you that it has all been exciting. I don't want to forget to let you know that I had my first sleep over in Marion Friday night!!! Grandma Donna picked me up after she got off work and we headed off for our adventure. A simple, "bye," and a couple of kisses to my parents and I was out the door! AND I did a wonderful job, yet again! I slept good that night after playing full-steam with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Dave. I didn't even move a muscle for about 12 hours!!! We had a great morning together and then I joined mommy and daddy at the church for VBS Kickoff Day.
Let me just say this about Kickoff Day. I partied hard for an almost 2 year old! I went in the bounce house and jumped and jumped and jumped! Then I even got to do the 75 foot obstacle course that all the big kids and adults were doing! AND at the end there is a HUGE slide that I went down all by myself and was all smiles at the end of it!! I got to do the obstacle course a couple of times with the help of daddy!
This week has been super busy with VBS every night. Me and mommy have been hanging out during the day and then heading over before dinner time. My class has been great! We even get to play in the gym every night after we eat!!!
Like I said at the beginning of this post, the fun never seems to end! I am loving it...well, all except the guys working outside my window today that aren't letting me sleep. They are trying to fix something on the building and they are one noisy bunch...but other than that I cannot complain!!!
I have lots of pictures to show, so I'm going to post them in a whole different post for you to see!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Gearing UP

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