So yesterday was my first of THREE birthday parties! It was my party with Levi, who is REALLY 2 years old today!!! I get to have one next Saturday and then I have a little party with my mommy and daddy on my real birthday. Really people, I get to do lots of celebrating!!!
So let me give you the headlines: We had a Madagascar party! Mommy and daddy and Lizzy really decorated the lounge where we partied! We had dance music and even a tiki hut! I ate LOTS of icing. Not kidding, I ate like 4 pieces of cake....but just the icing, not the cake part! I got lots of wonderful presents from my wonderful family and friends. Levi got lots of wonderful presents from wonderful friends and family. I got clothes and my very first real girlie panties....mommy says someday I won't want to tell people I got underwear, but I am pretty excited about them right now. I got a sit-and-spin that I mastered in a matter of minutes. I got a tiara that lights up and fits perfectly on my head. I got my own chair to sit in while lounging in the living room. I got a doll. I got a backpack that rolls around the room. I got coloring books and stickers and an ELMO dvd and a panda bear with a dvd all about pandas and a Mrs. Potato Head and a Little Peoples Van that plays music while rolling down the road. I got a ball that you sit on and bounce and a bubble machine and a Rosie Train (from Thomas the Train) and all kinds of stuff. Me and my cousin are so very blessed to have such wonderful people who love us so much!
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