We got to granny's house and saw granny and grandma! I started playing immediately, but I was pretty low key compared to how I usually am. Then my cousins showed up with Aunt Sara. I was so glad to see Levi! He didn't look any different, but mommy says he is 2 years old now. So we played, I ate the centers out of the cookies and left the rest, we had donut holes when Aunt Ruthie got there, and we ran from room to room.
It was so much fun. It felt like it has been forever since we've been at granny's house for a Monday. Levi hasn't been there for a couple of weeks so it was great to have the whole gang together. Unfortunately Aunt Clata and Uncle Bob couldn't make it today, but everybody else was there. Mommy and Aunt Sara went to the cake store to get birthday cakes for me and Levi. We both have another party this Saturday. I hear my cake is gonna be SO PRETTY! I think I even heard Minnie Mouse may be on it somewhere!!!
After we left granny's house we took Tabatha to her house. I knew when I got home I was going to have to take a nap. I didn't care much because I was pretty tuckered out. I slept for a little over an hour and then got up ready to GO again. Mommy said we were going to go to Uncle Lawrence and Aunt Sara's house to work in the garden.
I love going out there because they have a huge yard to play in. I didn't see Levi because he was at his Bible School tonight, but me and grandma and pa worked in the garden. I used the shovel to move some dirt, I helped Pa put the weeds in the trash and I picked a few flowers for mommy and grandma and pa. I kept checking out the neighbor's dog and watching every move the neighbors made. I also played with Levi's microphone and airplane even though he wasn't home. Before I knew it I had worked up a good sweat and I was DIRTY! We headed home with the windows down so i could cool off. Me and mommy sang songs all the way home and I moved my head to the beat while using my microphone to sing LOUD.
We ate dinner, I watched my new Elmo movie and then it was bath time. I REALLY NEEDED A BATH. I think I needed a bath more today than I ever have. I had dirt and sticky caramel all over. Mommy let me have some dip for my apples tonight and I certainly liked it. Somehow it ended in my hair, on my face and on my arms. Don't really know how that happened, but the bath took care of everything.
Daddy showed up towards the end of my bath. He had a really long day at work today so mommy let me stay up a little longer so he could read me a couple of books and spend some time with me.
I know you won't believe it, but I was just about ready for bed again! I have been doing a lot of sleeping this last few days. Maybe I am growing again!?! I hear that tomorrow we get to watch Evan while Levi goes to his 2 year appointment at his doctor's office. I think he has to have shots and everything!!! I am going to help mommy take care of baby Evan and I can't wait!
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