Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Say Cheese

I nearly sent my mommy into turning cartwheels yesterday! I started out my day a little differently because I decided to take my own diaper off in the morning and then decided it would be okay to go to the bathroom before mommy got me changed. I could go into more details, but I'll just leave it at that. I thought it was very funny, and mommy handled it very well considering.
So anyway, I took a bath before breakfast. Mommy got me dressed and then we headed to the kitchen. USUALLY I have cereal and mommy gets milk out of the fridge. Well, as she was putting milk in my cereal I decided that I wanted cheese for breakfast. Mommy wasn't looking at me, SOOO I hit the fridge and said, "cheese." THEN I had her attention. She said, "what?" So I said it again, "cheese." (Man, you have to be really clear with these people!!) So mommy opened the fridge and I politely opened the drawer with the cheese!
You would have thought I'd given her 1 million dollars! She was so excited! The good news is that I got my cheese and just let her act like a big dork.
So the rest of my day was fun. I went to granny's in the morning and stayed a super long time! Cousin Levi might be getting a stomach bug or something, so he didn't eat much lunch (and grandma had to change his diaper A LOT...but you didn't hear that from me). He still played some, but we kind of did our own thing. Usually we're attached at the hip, but I guess I could just sense that he wasn't himself.
In the afternoon I napped and then spent the evening with mommy and grandma and grandpa. I got some great corn for dinner (and chicken, biscuits and strawberry jelly). Because my nap wasn't super long in the afternoon I pooped out early. Mommy said that was okay and so I went to bed.
Today has been good so far, too. This morning I asked for cheese again. I actually had cheese and cereal. Right after breakfast mommy went to put dirty clothes in the hamper and I decided that it was the perfect time to go play in the bathroom. I ran to turn on the water and was sure to take the pitcher mommy uses to put water in for washing my hair.
I was so fast that by the time mommy got back I had already poured water out of the bath tub and onto the floor. It was no big deal! Seriously, the rug was there to catch most of it. I even got my pj's a "little" wet. It was fun...and then there was mommy. But again, she handled it pretty well. I am just doing my best to teach her patience!
SOOOO we cleaned up the floor and I got dressed. THEN we had to clean my room. I guess mommy was just on a cleaning streak. SO we went through clothes and put them away if they didn't fit anymore. (I just recently went through a growth spurt over night and many pairs of pants are now high waters!) I wasn't super thrilled with cleaning, but at least we found my other Pooh Slipper!!!
Daddy got up and we headed out to run some errands. Walmart was the only exciting part of errands. I got to see all the Christmas stuff they have out. Lunch was exceptional! Bologna, tangerines, pulled pork and some of daddy's cheese puffs!!!
Now I'm off for a nap. Who knows if I'll be able to write later tonight because mommy has a Christmas party to go to. That means I get to spend the evening with Pa, which is a highlight!!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Lynley you and Levi are growing up waaaaay to fast. Hopefully you will say cheese for me on Friday! I can't wait to spend the evening with you.
Aunt Sara