Friday, January 23, 2009

No Fit Friday

Today was great! On top of being great, I didn't pitch one fit so it was super great! I don't have long before bed time, but I wanted to tell you a couple of really cool things I got to do today.
First of all, I got to go to our church and PLAY IN OUR NEW GYM!!! Dwight gave me a ball and I got to run around while he was doing a sound check for the basketball games tomorrow. It was so much fun. I felt like a basketball player who was having her name announced in the NBA. The music was pumping and I was dancing and showing everybody my tricks with the ball.
After so much excitement it was time to nap. Once I got up we went to the mall for no other reason than for me to get to run around. It was fabulous!!! I got to ride the choo choo train merry go round and I got to walk all around where ever I wanted. My parents tried a couple of times to steer me in a certain direction, but for the most part they just let me be in charge. SOOO GREAT!!!
I've had my bath, I've had my dinner and now I am winding down for bed. I hear that tomorrow I get to spend the morning and afternoon with Grandma Penticuff. We're going to go to one of my mommy's FAVORITE places to eat (Olive Garden) to celebrate my Great Grandma Sorrell's birthday! I just know it will be so much fun and I also hear they have spaghetti there...that is one of my MOST FAVORITE FOODS! SO, I need to get a good night of rest for another big day tomorrow!

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