Sunday, January 11, 2009

One of Those Weeks

Well I just finished up one of those weeks when you wonder if anyone is ever going to be well again!?! I told you that mommy had a stomach bug at the beginning of the week and then my daddy had a bug Thursday night and Friday and everybody we talked to on the phone said it had really been one of those weeks. I don't know anybody who felt really good. My granny is sick, Uncle Patrick is REALLY was crazy. I wasn't really sick, but I wasn't 100% either.
So, I tell you all of that to say that I had a few pajama days this last week. We stayed home a lot and played. That was a ton of fun, though I was ready to get out of the house by Friday night when I got to spend the evening with Grandma Penticuff. She and I walked right out of the house, leaving my parents behind, and we went to the mall. I had a marvelous time walking around. We ate at MCL and walked around some more. I definitely needed that outing after lots of time at home. I think the only other trip I made throughout the week was to the grocery store and I DID NOT enjoy that!
I'm not sure how this week is shaping up yet. I just haven't decided. This morning I went to church and played in the nursery. Most of my friends went to 1st service, so I missed them because I lounged around the house a bit too long and we barely got there for the beginning of 2nd service! However, I did get to play some and meet a few new kids.
We came home after church and had lunch. THEN I took a 3 hour nap. My schedule was so off this week that I think I tried to catch up on sleep all in one Sunday afternoon. Mommy says when she was growing up she REALLY loved Sunday afternoon naps. Don't let her fool you, she sometimes takes them now, too, but maybe not as much as she used to. Anyway, I've been getting up earlier this week than normal. My parents even tried to keep me up longer at night to get me to sleep in a little bit, but it didn't work. My little clock has just been going off earlier so I haven't had as much sleep.
After my nap this afternoon I wasn't really in the mood to go back to church. Don't get me wrong, I love going to church, but something just wasn't quite right. Mommy called Grandma Filler and she came over to spend the evening with me so mommy and daddy could go teach the kids. I had a good time at home just lounging and playing with grandma. It has been a while since I've just spent some time with her, so it was really great.
Before I knew it, mommy and daddy came home. Daddy went to work, I ate dinner with mommy, grandma and pa, and then it was bed time! I hear through the grapevine that Levi is coming over tomorrow morning to hang out with me. That will be fun. I am not even going to try to stay up too late tonight so I can be really refreshed and ready for a great Monday!

1 comment:

Carol's Corner said...

I'm happy to hear that you didn't get sick like everybody else. Wish I could have a few pajama you take care of yourself Lynley and enjoy your Monday with Levi.