Saturday, July 26, 2008

Let the Celebrations Begin!!!

Yes, technically I do not turn one until August 6th, but the parties begin NOW!!! That is right, today is my first birthday party. I got to see my play cake that mommy made last night and I know there is wrapping paper in the living room!!!!!!! I am so excited because mommy says I get to celebrate turning one THREE TIMES!!! One time today with bunches of people, one time next Saturday with bunches of people and then on the real day I was born, me and mommy and daddy get to have a little celebration just the three of us! Seriously people, this birthday party thing is AMAZING!
Yes, I have a cold and so we're all praying that I feel good today...but how could I not when I get to have a party today with Levi!?!?! Okay, I need to sleep some more so I'm ready for the big event. I'll post some pictures later after the festivities are over!!!

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