Saturday, August 2, 2008


Today was another big birthday day! I got up and played with mommy and daddy, took a bath and then helped mommy and daddy get ready for my party. I took a good nap and then we went and picked up my cake. Daddy started putting together my present from him and mommy and I looked up to see my Aunt Emily! I haven't seen her since March and she came to Muncie for my birthday! She lives in Texas and I was so surprised to see her! It didn't take me long to warm back up to her and we played and played.
Before I knew it, people were arriving for my party! We had dinner (the grown ups ate taco salad made by Grandma Penticuff and I had mac & cheese). I kept everybody entertained at dinner. I waved at people at different tables and I talked and i played with grandpa and I waved some more!
After dinner I got to open presents! I sat in my chair (we borrowed it from Granny Conner's house) and mommy helped me. I was very interested in the cards people gave me. I read them just like they were books!! I got lots of pretty stuff. Lots of clothes and my grandpa got me a barnyard bowling game and a tee-ball game. I really liked those. I got a baby doll and I got a stuffed polar bear that I gave lots of kisses. My Grammy Douglas made me a pair of overalls with the number one on them and she also made me a jacket that says, "DOUGLAS 1" on the back. I got a picture book from Grandpa and Grandma Penticuff with lots of pictures of me in it!! I even got my own fold up chair that looks like my mommy and daddy's but it is pink. It is like the ones they take to granny's house when we have a cook out!
After presents I got to play in ANOTHER cake!!! This time I didn't make near the mess...however I did put my whole mouth on it! The grown ups ate cake and I just played and played. My cousin Alex is 4 and he played with me a bunch. We both liked the rocking car that mommy and daddy got me.
After all the festivities I was TIRED!!! I got ready for bed and it only took me a few seconds to fall asleep!!! I could write more but I'll let the pictures do the talking for me!

1 comment:

Carol's Corner said...

Wow another party and more cakes and more presents. Wouldn't it be fun if Christmas lasted this long? I absolutly love all the pictures but the one in the yellow robe with the hood is my favorite. You look so "Hollywood".